Pleasurable Money Podcast Transcription

33 | "Tits Up, Heads Up, Let's F*ck it Up" with Jenna Slaughter


This is the Pleasurable Money Podcast. Hi, I'm Meaghan and I'm the divine alien driving this here spaceship. I'm a pleasurable money coach with over a decade of experience in finance. During that time, I've learned that a mix of systems and spirituality makes a perfect blend. I have helped hundreds of spiritual business owners heal their relationship with money, and I'm here to teach you how to become money's ride or die.

Stop treating money like a booty call using the help of tools like breathwork and pleasure, which will be featured on this podcast and learn from me and other experts about how to own your wealth. Together, we will break down what it looks like to be in relationship with money and to be in full embodiment with your pleasure.


Meaghan: [00:00:00] [00:01:00] Welcome back to the Pleasurable Money Podcast. I am here with my beautiful friend, Jenna Slaughter, the [00:02:00] self-empowerment coach, are we still calling you a self-empowerment coach?

Jenna: No, I don't think I was ever a self-empowerment coach. I was a self-love coach for awhile, which now I broke into heart forward business coaching, which is where I primarily seem to be working right now and embodiment mentorship, which is more like personal life coaching, communication, boundary setting, that kind of stuff.

Um, yeah. Ooh, self-empowerment coach. That's kind of a fun one.

Meaghan: yeah, I totally see you as like a self-empowerment coach. Like, like we are like building ourselves up from the ground up and like, you know, making us our highest alignment, highest self bad-ass, self.

Jenna: Yeah. I feel like it's much of a, like a work of integration and like coming home to yourself is kind of how I I approach it. It's like, a remembering who the fuck you are

Meaghan: Hmm.

Jenna: of work. That's like, I'm not building [00:03:00] anything for anybody and they're not building anything they're coming back to themselves and who they've been this entire fucking time.

Meaghan: love that. Yeah. So it's like just a giant remembering a re it's like a journey home.

Jenna: Yeah, exactly.

Meaghan: Love that. Is there anything else you'd like to introduce to the, to the audience here? As far as like what you do, who you be, how you be.

Jenna: Yeah. Um, so I have the Unlearning Podcast is where I do a lot of free work and resources. That's a really potent space that I've enjoyed, pouring love into. Um, I also have the Heart Forward framework that I have put out. And that's an, that's a free resource that people can go download on my website. Um, yeah, I'm trying to think the, the coaching, the facilitation, the freebie, I feel like that's, those are like the big things. Yeah.

Meaghan: Cool. Cool. [00:04:00] Tell us about the, the, your program. Are you still working on Totally Not Meditation. Is that your main offering or what's going on there?

Jenna: Honestly, I primarily have been doing one-on-one work. Um, I love Totally Not Meditation, but, um, I think I'm going to be relaunching that this year. I'm switching over to having like, um, an actual like learning management software. So it's, it's in a phase of recalibration and such right now. So that's not something I'm actively taking people into, but if they're interested in figuring out ways to massage the nervous system, approach things like breath work from a non "woo" way. Um, there, I would totally invite people to reach out to me and I can get them onto a wait list for that when it does come out.

Meaghan: Cool. Yeah. Cause it seems like you've gone through a metamorphosis of your own since you last ran or launched or [00:05:00] accepted people into Totally Not Meditation. So I feel like it's going to be a completely different container the next time you go about that.

Jenna: Yeah. Um, wow. That is correct. I was on a podcast, um, about last week actually. And they were like, you, we met nine months ago and you're a fully different person now. Like you have quantum leaped. I was like, oh, nobody's ever told me that before, but like that big resonates. You know, I, I asked the universe in the fall to remove all things that are no longer serving my highest good.

And to

Meaghan: That's ballsy.

Jenna: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, sure is. Sure is. Cause a few weeks later I was separating with my wife at the time, um, going no contact with, um, my only brother, it was [00:06:00] the embodiment of all of the like attachment wounds that were remaining. And I had to face those head on with me and only me. And it was a really deep, healing process.

And it was, um, yeah, it was one of the coolest, biggest portions of my journey, honestly, and I'm really proud of myself in the way that I handled it, honestly, but it's been a whole metamorphosis. You are 100% correct. I know a lot more about myself now. And I think that that program next time it does launch is going to be an absolute rock star type of container.

I, I'm not sure how and when I'm going to release it. But it's, it's going to be so good. I know so much more now. I know how to facilitate more now and yeah, that'd be good.

Meaghan: It's amazing to me. I often think about how our audience and our clients are, are along for the ride as we are [00:07:00] learning and transforming at the same time. And, you know, it gets me excited to think about in a few years, looking back at these early podcasts and like getting to cringe and be like, oh Meaghan how far you've come?

You know, like how exciting is that, that we're going to be like, we've grown so much. And like our audience has grown with us. Like, I just think that this was so cool.

Jenna: it's it's so cool. It's so, so cool. And I think for the audience that's listening, what I want to say is be willing to cringe with yourself. Be willing to put out imperfect work because your imperfect work is what's going to help you create something that is more aligned and is more perfect, but you have to put stuff against the wall. You have to just throw stuff out there and see what feels good and be willing to look back on it and go, oh, wow. I really learned how to mix audio a lot better by the end of that year didn't I? I looked back on season one of the Unlearning Podcast and I'm like, [00:08:00] wow, this content is great, but wow, you're really, really out there with the audio, Jenna. But that's what allowed me to get to the place that I'm at now. So be willing to let yourself cringe over your creative work, do it anyway. Cringe and do it anyway.

Meaghan: Fuck it up and get back up.

Jenna: Yeah, tits up, heads up, let's fuck it up.

Meaghan: Yeah. Yeah. So I want to know, like, I don't know if you want to give a little backstory about like everything that crumbled to the ground as of the end of last year and kind of how you've risen from the asses- ashes.


Jenna: from risen from the asses. That's nice.

Meaghan: Love it Freudian slip there for you.

Jenna: Um, yeah, so what's interesting is my, um, so like my Tower moment, which came with, uh, the longest [00:09:00] relationship of my life ending, it became really unhealthy for both of us. And in the end, really, it felt like more so that we were naming something that we already knew was happening and coming.

And in that decision, I actually found a lot of peace, even though there was so much chaos, so much loss. I felt I had peace because I had direction. So I went from having basically every day, cause I was living with my my wife, my brother, sister-in-law, and niece. And because my niece was four years old, basically like everything was, you know, scheduled out to a T and I was very in this very, very hyper structured environment. And, um, so I went from that to like, it's completely my own choice. I didn't have, you know, the partner that was wanting me to be the person that I was when I was in my way, early twenties when we met.

I didn't have my um, [00:10:00] sibling now and to embrace the opportunity vacuum that comes from when there was so much loss, I needed to let that old version of myself die. Like I, it was this giant ego death. Not only was I like lose was the tower coming down around all these structures, but really it was more, it was a matter of like the ego death of who I was and all of the past versions of me and finding people that can see me for who I am today right now.

And that's been really fucking cool. The people that have come into my life since then, so aligned. So soul fulfilling. It's nice to live a life by choice now and not by choices of the people around me.

Meaghan: Yeah. Yeah. I'm, I'm dealing that with my, dealing with that with my partner right now, he is having a

hard time believing that he can live a life by [00:11:00] design and, and choose how his life goes. And just not like life is not just happening to him. So if there's anybody

out there who is like, I don't believe that I can do what I love and make money or do anything other than what's aligned with my degree and make money or find the people that surround me. What, what kind of mind trash were you going through before you made the decision to burn it all to the ground? And then how did you kind of cope, um, coax your nervous system while you were going through it?

Jenna: Um, Ooh, that's a big one. Um, let me see how I want to approach this here. I think a lot of the mental work and something that I, I tell people is the most fast track to personal [00:12:00] development and facing all of your inner

demons and ego deaths, and self-talk gremlins is to decide that you want to work for yourself. That's the quickest way to have to deal with all of that bullshit.

Want to know what you've been avoiding? Start a business.

Want to find all your shadows? Start a business. Want to see where you really don't thrive? Start a fucking business, cause you'll have to do it all yourself. Um, and I did a lot of money mindset work. I actually talk about this on, on my podcast, quite a bit about the journey from coaching for free to coaching for money.

It was a lot easier for me if I had something like, for example, my candle business, because there's a cost of goods and then you can do a cost of goods plus, you know, a percentage for margin. Whereas having to charge people for your time and energy makes you [00:13:00] face through all of the beliefs that you've had with money trauma.

Um, so I would say. Something for people at home is to look into what you were told from zero to seven and dig into that subconscious, because that's really what's running the show, dig into what you were told about relationships and how they're supposed to be, whether you were demonstrated healthy conflict and attachment growing up or not.

Cause these things are all going to be perpetuating themselves in their current reality and like dig into your beliefs about money, what, what do you first remember hearing about money? Mine was more money, more problems. You're never going to get ahead. You always have to, like, if you want to go on vacation, you just have to like, make it happen and then figure it out later.

Hello, taking on debt.

Meaghan: Yeah.

Jenna: Um, yeah, I kind of went on a little bit of a tangent there, but that would [00:14:00] be my thing is digging into that, that subconscious.

Meaghan: Yeah. What was your biggest like dooms day vision? Like what was the thing that was gonna go the wrongest, the most wrong?

Like, what was that vision for you?

Jenna: Are you asking in the entrepreneurial journey regarding money or are you talking about like the tower moment? Cause they feel like they're there two kind of different, different dooms day.

Meaghan: Yeah, let's go with the tower moment.

Jenna: Tower moment. So,

um, tower moment happens. Doomsday is, I mean, doomsday what's kind of happening honestly, is I lose my relationship with my family. I lose my niece. I lose my dog. I lose my house right before Christmas.

I, um, Basically nothing in the bank account because I had been reinvesting it all into my relationship.

I become homeless and then can't afford living in Oregon, [00:15:00] which is my home, and then have to move back to Wisconsin and live with my parents where I feel like an alien being a queer person. Um, and just like feeling trapped.

Um, that was, that would probably be the doomsday. I have to stop my business, burn it all to the ground and get a nine to five.

That like, that's, that's the doomsday.

And I, if you will follow me for any point in time, you probably hear me say, I will crawl through glass before I work for somebody else again.

Meaghan: Um,

Jenna: I will be a contractor and I will do things for other people, of course, but I will not be an employee again. I will crawl through glass first.

Meaghan: I love that because it's so validating to everyone who has those doomsday spirals, especially me, like with this most recent hiring of this coach, my doomsday spiral was like,

I was ruining my family. This was, this was the decision that was going to drag us to [00:16:00] literal hell,

like literal the lake of fire.

Like that is where my doomsday spiral ended. And so. I want to hear how it was okay, like how that doomsday spiral, like you were not necessarily like, okay with like getting there, but like, you're like, whatever the fuck it takes to not be where I am right now.

Jenna: Um, yeah, sometimes having direction and move movement is

better than having no direction and being stuck in an in-between, I would rather be in a relationship that I would, well, actually, I'd rather be in relationship with myself than be in a relationship with somebody that is leaving me

feeling alone and unseen. So

Meaghan: Hmm.

Jenna: in some ways, my like that, that split and my leaving was a real act [00:17:00] of self worth and self.

Because I was continually like not feeling seen and I was sick of not feeling that way. And so I raised my standards of that I have for other partners. So there's when you have this moment where everything is crashing down and everything is hitting the fan,

you have two choices, you can focus on everything you are losing,

and grasp and try to hold on to these things that are inevitably going away. This is complete moot effort and it is fully, it's just it's struggle because you are, you're trying to go against something that is much bigger than you, or you can recognize that the universe energetically loves an empty container.

Meaghan: Um,

Jenna: Like our universe was built out of literal nothingness. The ultimate creation comes [00:18:00] in those spaces of nothingness. So you can try to grasp onto these things, or you can regulate your nervous system and you can say what is meant to be is coming to me, and I am open to that. So it's like, are you grasping or are you grounding to be a clear container for everything new to come through?

Meaghan: Um,

I think, yeah, I think, that is such a great point and kind of mindblowing for me myself right now as like I've always, truly believed that the word no is the most powerful and magnetic word that you can utter in your, in this space. Um,

and I think it's because we are re removing something from the container that would not have served us to begin with in order for [00:19:00] the universe to fill it with something better.

Jenna: Yeah.

Meaghan: And so that, that really struck me that you said that the universe loves an empty container. I love that.

Jenna: It does. It's like almost like a Google algorithm, you know, it's like if the universe gives you crumbs and you accept the crumbs, then it's like, cool. You that's what, that's what you wanted, got it. Awesome. Now I'm going to keep going into these other, like, I think of our thoughts, feelings, actions, and results are kind of like

typing into the Google algorithm.

And when the universe

brings you something, that's like kind of aligned, but not really, like, it doesn't feel fully good. And you say no, that is effectively throwing it back into the search bar with more refined keywords. And it goes, okay, all right. I will give you different results. And so it can bring you a full piece of pie, which is what you really want.

You want that like [00:20:00] full piece, not the


Meaghan: Um, or like, you're like, I wanted apple pie, but all they have is peach pie. So I guess I'll take the

peach pie.

Jenna: Yeah, then the universe is like, cool. You just want a peach? Fine. Nice.

Meaghan: Yeah. Yeah. So you mentioned regulating your nervous system. How, how were you, or how weren't you regulating your nervous system?

Jenna: Oh, my goodness. Um, I was really, really grateful. One of my families that I work with, uh, that I was I'm nannying for. They let me stay with them for the first, like two, two and a half months while I saved money and found a new place. And they had this beautiful property that had a forest and

every morning I would go out into this forest and just be in nature.

There is something beautiful and grounding and healing about just being in nature.

So something I would do is I [00:21:00] would go out and I would literally put my hands on the trees and I would tap into their energy. And when you pay attention to that question of where does my self stop and the other beings in this universe begin? The more you ponder that the messier it gets,

Meaghan: Hmm.

Jenna: and then you, so I really tapped into this, this connection with life. I wasn't lonely because I was never alone in that, in that line of thinking.

Meaghan: Um,

Jenna: So lots of grounding work, nature wise, tons of meditation. I had, um, two different playlists that were my kind of lifeline. Um, Yeah, lots of that. Lots of processing, coaching, lots of coaching.

Um, think of what else?

Meaghan: Okay.

Jenna: Yeah, I think the, the people that were [00:22:00] there for that transitional period really poured love into me and it was a practice in receiving, and it was a really hard practice in receiving because they owed me nothing.

Meaghan: Um,

Jenna: I started working for them just a few months before this, uh, the, the transition happened and they owed me nothing.

So the people that I put years and years into being my family and my wife at the time.

Meaghan: Yeah.

Jenna: You know, that was gone, suddenly gone.

And these people that owed me nothing, gave me every thing. They gave me a lifeline when I needed it the most. And.

I'm just absolutely forever grateful to them. Like, I call them my, my earth angels, like, and they're like, you owe us nothing. Like this is what good

people do. [00:23:00] So it was really a stretchy practice in receiving that with an open heart and not feeling like I needed to overcompensate by like doing all of these things, to earn my keep or whatever. They were just like, focus on your healing right now.

Focus on this transition, focus on keeping your business going. And so I did,

and here I am,

Meaghan: yeah.

Jenna: I booked more revenue in the last month than I ha like I literally matched my revenue of all of last year in this last month.

Like I have booked out that entire amount of revenue for the rest of the year.

Meaghan: it sounds like it was extremely important to you to have that release of responsibility and that release of pressure to show up as we like performatively, you know, as we kind of do in society where we're like, when we're out and about in [00:24:00] public, where like we have our smile on our face and we're approachable and we're presentable, and we are like have our ducks in a row. And it sounds like it was imperative for you to have a place where you could like. You know, let your belly hang out. Like kind of be like relaxed and no pressure whatsoever.

Jenna: Um, yeah. Yeah, it was very important for me just to have a soft place to land and to inquire within myself, like, okay, all of these other things are gone.

What do I want?

Meaghan: Hm.

Jenna: Like something I don't, I hadn't really talked about a ton is that I had started living a life that I couldn't even recognize.

I did not want, and I could not recognize because the other three adults in the house had a lot of aligned, um, hobbies and hobbies that I didn't really care for, things that were not lighting me up.[00:25:00]

And so, I mean, suddenly I was, I was falling asleep at like eight o'clock in a chair, sitting up with the lights on, like my body was just like, Nope, do not want, like. And every weekend we are in no shade, no shade. If anybody likes D and D like, I played it for a years, I enjoyed it, but I don't want to do it every week.

And every single Saturday night was dedicated to it for hours and hours on end. And it was a lot of, it was living a life where a lot of it was like this escapism or trying to like live in this like fantasy world. And my work is here. In this world and I would rather tap in and try to sort through and integrate versus trying to avoid and isolate from any difficult feelings. So yeah, living a life that I absolutely was not [00:26:00] recognizing. And so I had that question with myself, like, okay, what do I want for the first time? I was asking myself those things.

Meaghan, do you realize how hard it is to go to the grocery store when you have relied on what other people want and desire for years?

Meaghan: Um, no, I've never thought about that before.

Jenna: I had my gosh, I went to the, like the deli a few days after the split. Cause I went to get groceries for the new place I was staying at. And I realized that for the last few years I would just autopilot and get hard salami because that's what the other adults in my family wanted. And I liked that too, but I also really liked roast beef

Meaghan: Um,

Jenna: and I never would get it because I was the only one in the house that liked it. But suddenly me liking something was enough of a reason to indulge that desire.

So I walked up there and I like [00:27:00] asked

them for it and they're weighing it out. And I just kind of started chuckling to myself. And I was like, this is way too much information for you. And it doesn't really matter.

But I need to tell you that, like, this is much more than roast beef. Like this is freedom roast

beef. This. I'm going to sit here, eat these sandwiches with such joy because it's just for me. So this is a season finally, where I am fully embodying a life that is for me.

And I'm really grateful for that. And I'm grateful for the previous chapter that demonstrated to me how much this is necessary.

And funnily enough, I didn't realize fully at the time when I was in that hyper structured environment, how much it was crushing me and how much I wasn't doing things for myself until I was out of it.

Retrospect is always 20-20.

Meaghan: I'm [00:28:00] curious, do you, my coach challenged me with this the other day of like, we were working through some of my family trauma and she was like, okay. So what if that bad thing did happen? And I said, well, it would crack me open. And it would make me,

it would make me have to accept love and reassurance from everyone around me. And she said, what if you didn't have to wait for that devastation to crack you open and accept all the love and reassurance from other people? And so I'm curious, like, like where do you like, what, like, if you could live a different timeline and have the self awareness to

be everything that you are now, while still living that life back then, what do you think that would have taken for you to do.

Jenna: Hmm. [00:29:00] I don't think that there is a reality where I was able to

live fully in my truth and in my integrity and live under that hyper structure. Like the environment that I was in actually became too entangled and very codependent. So. I, I, just, I don't see that because when I expressed truths that were on my heart, I received a lot of backlash for them.

Um, and so I learned that my truth wasn't safe in that house.

Meaghan: Um,

Jenna: So I, I really don't know. I don't know.

Meaghan: Well, if, I mean, if that is, if that is alive for you right now, then that's, then that's your [00:30:00] answer. But I just kind of wanted to play a little devil's advocate for people who are like, because I fully don't believe that we always have to blow up our lives in order to come into ourselves as we get to be. And so if there's anyone out there who's like, okay, but I want to be able to bring my reality to me now. And live the way I want to live without having to, you know, jump off a 50 story building.

Jenna: Hmm. Well, I think it's less of,

I think it's more of a process and less of a like, oh, you're at the, you're at the roof. Are you going to jump or not?

Like, it's more, it's more of an unfolding journey.

You don't need to blow up your life in order for big changes to happen. Big changes happen by you digging into and changing your thoughts, feelings, actions.

What happens though, as a [00:31:00] by-product tends to be that things are going to fall away.

That's like a by-product of standing in your worth, is you become clear on the things that aren't serving that aligned highest good, but for yourself, you know?

Meaghan: The awareness becomes so mag magnified that you're like, oh, I need to get rid of this stuff now.

Like this stuff needs to go,

uh, for me to continue to be who I am. So I guess, Yeah.

I guess just what I'm trying to get at is like start making small decisions and also be open to things blowing the fuck up

Jenna: yeah, and it will be for your highest good, like it'll be for your highest good when they do anything that is meant to be yours will be yours. Anything that is no longer serving you will fall away. Oh, yeah. I think the thing that was that resonated for me is it's really hard to [00:32:00] break habits or coping behaviors in the environment that you were, that you're in, that you picked them up to cope with.

Meaghan: Yeah. As well as. If you're in survival mode, you barely have enough energy to think about blowing up your life, let alone actually blowing up your life. So, oh crap. I just had a question and it left.

This always happens to me

Jenna: This take a deep breath.

Meaghan: I mean, I have many more. Okay. So let's consult the

notes. Shall we?

Okay. Another these notes. I just want to tell

the audience, these notes are from like, almost a year ago when we did our last podcast episode, but this question is super appropriate because I just saw you put on your stories like yesterday or two days ago about um, chasing versus attracting and how you do not chase your clients, you attract your clients and everything like [00:33:00] that. So this question literally says

you believe in attracting over chasing, describe what changed your thinking and your process behind attracting abundance?

Jenna: Um, so part of that was my study with human design.


Meaghan: What are you? What's your design?

Jenna: uh, I'm a projector.

Meaghan: Okay.

Jenna: So my strategy is to wait for the invitation. So

when somebody reaches out to me for coaching or they reach out to me for advice, I'm able to accept that invitation. If it feels aligned, um, doing things like posting heart forward content, um, showing up online that creates an invitation.

I'm not, it is not in alignment for me to go be cold dM-ing people like that's not in alignment for

me at all. Um, so another part of that actually came from

a client [00:34:00] that I now see was a really big lesson

Meaghan: Um,

Jenna: I had to do a lot of selling with this person. A lot of like hand holding them through the process.

Um, Convincing. And that person also ended up being the most energetically intensive client that I've ever had. And they kind of treated me like a, you know, crisis person, I, you know, were messaging me on Sunday at 2:00 PM wanting me to immediately answer. And because my boundaries weren't strong enough, I was. Because this was a person that was like in a panic mode and it was happening like regularly.

They were wanting that immediate, um, that immediate interaction with me. And it, it

helped me realize that there.

There are spaces that are not for me to go. Even if I have the tools [00:35:00] because I've navigated anxiety and depression and all this kind of stuff. It's not my space. If somebody needs therapy, they need therapy.

Some people need therapy and coaching at the same time, it can be incredibly potent. Um, so that whole, like if I have to convince somebody, then I don't want them as a client because they're not ready. So I was like, there are people, no shit that have come out of the ether and been like, Hey, I'm scheduling a call with you.

And then by the end of the call, they're like, okay, cool. But how do I pay?

Meaghan: Um, tell I want to, I want to hear you talk about how you kind of gained trust in the fact that you can attract a steady, I mean, maybe you're not even to like the steady belief yet, but like that people can come out of the woodwork and want to work with you.

Because I think that a lot of times we kind of default to these sticky practices of like cold [00:36:00] DM-ing and like doing things that feel super icky to our souls and may work for some people. But to us, it feels super out of alignment because we don't trust that people will just come to us based on what we put out on the internet. So I'd love to hear you talk about trust and that kind of

Jenna: Yeah. So when it comes to trust, It comes to creating evidence for yourself. And if you deal with a lot of issues with worthiness, like a me, it can be really helpful, especially in the beginning to keep like a list and just to add to it, like at first it started with. I had like a magic list because I was going through a big spiritual awakening that was intertwined with my entrepreneurial journey.

And so anytime there was a synchronicity or there was some like divine guidance or like, I felt the [00:37:00] like tingles on

my neck that I now know is associated with. Like, like that's like my higher self, like literally being like, yes, it's like a, like a kind of like a hand, like a push on, on the back.

Meaghan: Oh, I love that.

Jenna: And so it started with that and creating evidence, creating evidence, creates belief.

We know this because that's how it works in our subconscious we're just applying the power of our consciousness to do it. Same thing happens with trust and creating evidence. There are people all around you that want to like, want to be able to receive the yummy goodness of what you have to deliver to the world.

It's just, are you giving them the ability to take it and run with it by showing up? Like, are you, are you showing up and are you, are you giving them an opportunity to step forward or not? Um,

So I would, I literally like keep a list, and make that as evidence. I have enough evidence [00:38:00] now that I've been doing this for like a year and a half to two years that like, I know they're just floating around, but they maybe, they need scared.

They may be, um, like interested, but not know if they can financially invest in something like

that. Right now, there may be all sorts of reasons that they're not, they haven't moved forward or reached out yet,

but they are there. Hey, they, are there, it's just whether or not, um,

you have the evidence to believe that.

So it may start

with you knowing and believing that for a second and a half, and then it may go away. But if you know for that second

and a half now, you know that you can believe that even if for a small period of time. So then the next time go for two, two and a half seconds. And the time after that go for five seconds.

Like you can, it's a muscle belief is a muscle. So creating evidence, having compassion for yourself [00:39:00] for not having that belief and having compassion for even holding it for a second and a half. And that willingness to keep showing up and expanding that window of belief, basically.

Meaghan: Um, I love that. It's and I love that you said that belief is a muscle because I, it really is. It's just like, self-confidence you gotta, you gotta, um, work it out. You gotta do it over and over and over again. You gotta reinforce it in order to, to

make it feasible and re like your reality, because if you're used to re a reality where

nothing is coming through or you're questioning every decision that you make. Practicing doing it over and over again, and creating a reality that is full of confident ass decisions. [00:40:00] Amazing synchronicities coming through, like you mentioned. And a lot of times we discount our own synchronicity. A lot of times we're like, Hmm, that doesn't count because it wasn't like this because I had it in my head that it was going to look like that. And so you're like, well, I'm just that, that doesn't count. And so I have to wait for the next one and the next one and the next one.

Jenna: Yes.

That's where that list should come in handy because like it's easy for our brain and our self-talk gremlin to be like all discounting and be like, maybe me, me, me, me, me, me, like, it's always going to fucking shit on you. And it's always gonna be the loudest voice in the room that doesn't make it

fucking right. Like we know that in politics, the loudest

person in the room is not necessarily right. So that's

why having that written fucking shit in front of you. You can not look at your own handwriting and discount that you cannot look at voice notes of yourself and your own voice and discount that it's just recognizing in that moment [00:41:00] to like, be like, wow, okay.

I'm feeling really uncertain. Okay. Let's go back to the evidence. Let's go back to the proof. So that's one side of it, but the other side is to embrace the fucking journey. We have this perfectionistic mentality of personal development as well, because we want these massive changes and we want them now.

And we hear these people that had. You know, leap from their nine to five and within 90 days they're making a million dollars like that shit put me in a pressure cooker. Okay. Like they are great for inspiration,

but trying to model yourself off of that will put you in a pressure cooker and have you discounting every bit of progress that you make. It's like bit by bit by bit. You make that progress and then suddenly it takes off.


that journey at the beginning, that journey at the beginning feels like you are putting stuff in and putting stuff into,you're not getting [00:42:00] much out. And then you're comparing that to somebody's portion of the journey that's right before that woah

They they are not talking about that portion of time, where

they were putting everything in and it felt like they were getting nothing out. They'll talk about that take off though. Why? Because it's fucking marketable.

Meaghan: Yeah.

Jenna: It sells products. It makes fucking money because people want that and they will pay lots of money for it.

And these people will happily take it from them.

Meaghan: So good. So good. And these people who make millions of dollars in the first three months of their business, or what the fuck ever kind of incredible results, amazing for them.

But like, they are the exception to the rule and the rest of us normal folk. Like it's going to take us years D like there are statistics out there and I can't pull them out of my ass right now, but like, You know, most companies don't even turn a profit in the first five years of [00:43:00] their businesses.

Most likely like 90% and let alone like matching your corporate salary. That's a huge thing. Um, taking more home than you invested into your business for the last four years, I have invested almost every single cent that I've made back into my business, which means no profit for me. No, take home for me because I am building something that is going to be a legacy.

And that's not just a short blip on the map. And that doesn't always necessarily have to be true, but for me it has been,

Jenna: And like people don't talk about the sheer mental game that goes into like what you're doing right now, where you are. You're probably working at this 40 hours a week, trying to build this legacy. And you are not [00:44:00] paying yourself.

Meaghan: Hm.

Jenna: that fucks with you

Meaghan: Yeah.

Jenna: and people don't talk about that.

It's like great to, and I, I loved the investments that I made last year. But I came to realize that I needed to be paying myself in order for me to feel really good and heart forward to show up. And that actually didn't happen until like this last month, because I'm finally paying,

like finishing, paying off a lot of the investments that I had. And I'm also making enough coming in regularly that like, I was able to pay my rent through my business.

Like I was able to pay my self out the $700 to pay my rent. And it was the most fucking fulfilling bank transfer I've made in my life. Could I have paid it from like other income? Yes.

But the point was was that I was being compensated for that time and energy that I was putting in. [00:45:00]

And this is almost almost two years. What, like a year and a half. Time's a mystery. Um, but a really long time of putting everything else back into the business, everything else back into the business, till I was finally able to pull some of that out for myself.

So give yourself compassion. If you're an entrepreneur and you're just getting started.

Give yourself compassion. Cause it as a whole fucking journey, the more compassion and gratitude you have for where you are now and the inches you are taking forward, the more you will propel yourself forward.

Meaghan: Yeah, absolutely. And to be clear, I have been paying myself this whole time. It's just that I've been very heavily utilizing that credit card of mine.

And so the, uh, although I am bringing cash into my house for bills, I'm also investing a lot more on my credit cards.

So it's, it's, [00:46:00] it's all, it's all about tricking the mind.

So I am paying myself technically moving money from, from my business bank account to my personal bank account, even though. I'm still spending from my credit card. So it's like, I have this perception that my business is supporting me, which is important to me for if I want to continue supporting my business.

Like if I want to continue pouring into my business, it's important to me, for my business to pour into me as well.

Jenna: Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Meaghan: Yeah. Um, okay. So we're almost, we're at about 45 minutes. I wanted to see if there's anything that you wanted to like share with the audience that you're just like, so on your heart, your heart forward self right now is like screaming it knocking on your door. [00:47:00] Amazing.

Jenna: So when it comes to money and it comes to healing and it comes to entrepreneurship, there's a lot that you can do without blowing up your entire world. And that will really make changes.

And what I mean by that is

examine your current relationship with money energetically. Like how do you feel? What energy are you putting with the money when you're paying the bills?

Like when you go to pay your rent, are you begrudgingly sending that rent or mortgage check or. [00:48:00] Are you being like, huh? Thank you money for providing this home over my head. Do you see, like I saw like

a little smile come across your face because it, it feels so good to make meaning out of that money.

Whenever I get an invoice that comes through, I take a second to say thank you so much for what this is going to do for me.

And also the good that it's going to do for other people, whoever and whatever.

I, I pay off or pay someone, whatever, like that gratitude for the ins and the outs will revolutionize your relationship with money.

It will Revolut which denies your ability to receive it will revolutionize your self-worth when you just change. Energy around what's already happening. [00:49:00] And that comes with like putting gratitude and take, just taking a moment, a moment, a tiny little moment of awareness and mindfulness. That's all I'm asking.

Just a tiny little moment when there's something that comes in or goes out.

Meaghan: Yep. You may have heard me talk about before. If you listened to this podcast, what I do is my gratitude triangle. I am thankful for the money that is sitting in my bank account, keeping it nice and warm and cozy, and like setting the scene.

I'm thankful for money that has gone out of my bank account, paying my bills, doing my bidding, like serving me while it's out there circulating on in the ether.

And I'm thankful for the money that has yet to come into my life that I know is absolutely flowing to me at all times, from all directions back forward front, all of these things.

Jenna: I'm curious. And can I, can I ask you a question?

Meaghan: Yeah.

Jenna: That's a big, that's a big [00:50:00] belief to have, like the idea of like money is coming to me left right sideways up and down. And for somebody that is really in disbelief or is like, am I fucking gaslighting myself right now? Like there ain't no money coming in left right sideways up and down, like. What would you say to them in order for them to start embodying that belief?

Meaghan: Yeah, look at. Um, the money that is, you're getting back in, like if you shop with Rakuten and you get like a cash back, you get five bucks cash back when you shop with Rakuten, or if you get a fee reversal on your credit card for a late payment or whatever, or, and it's like keeping that list like you were talking about before keeping that list of synchronicities or random checks 25 bucks from the last fucking [00:51:00] internet company that you had, that overcharged you or 50 bucks from your grandmother, for your birthday, any and everything, as well as realizing that money is currency. And the energy of currency is not just money. So currency can be any exchange of any type of energy love space, a house to a home, to live in, food. So the energy of currency translates to the energy of money. And if you can't get on board with money right now, just focus on the energy of currency, whatever you're exchanging.

Jenna: Um, yeah, I liked that. I liked that one of my coaches told me, um, because I'm in a season where I say that I dealt with so much trauma and bullshit with men and unhealed masculine energies that now I am [00:52:00] reaping dividends. Like I'm getting treated like a literal queen goddess, like, and being, being worshiped by divine healed masculine energies.


cause. I was like, I was like all the,

like so much of the, cool things that I've done or gotten, have been paid for by like other people. And she was like, count that as income.

She was like, you need to really like, sit in and appreciate that that currency is coming to you. And like you are worth receiving that.

And I was like, oh, there is so much abundance around me. oh.

Meaghan: Yeah, beautifully said beautifully said gifts. Like. So much abundance and even like things that you value, like getting a front parking spot, when you pull up to your favorite smoothie place or the grocery store that is currency from the universe being like, oh, here I got you. Your favorite [00:53:00] thing. I know that you love being able to park in the front whenever you get somewhere.

So I got you your favorite thing.

Jenna: Yes. Yes. One of my clients had a really cool analogy about gratitude. Um, and it was kind of like if you made somebody cookies and they were just like, yeah, whatever. Okay. And like, what's next. And then say thank you or whatever, you wouldn't be making them any more fucking cookies, but that's effectively what we do a lot of the times when we're not mindful, we're not taking that moment to be like, oh yes, thanks universe.

We're just taking those cookies and throwing them in the backseat and saying universe, more please.

Meaghan: It's the same thing when we discount, you know the signs or whatever it is, we're like, okay. Yeah. But that wasn't good enough. That wasn't exactly what I was thinking. So it doesn't count. So just like, fuck you And like, what's next,

Jenna: Yeah. can I get signier sign?

Meaghan: Yeah, I didn't like [00:54:00] that sign. Do different sign.

Jenna: Yup. I remember when I had my first big synchronicity and feel free to cut this off. Cause I know I'm getting on a

tangent. I remember I had my first big synchronicity. I asked specifically for a feather and I wanted to see it that morning if I was supposed to go on my entrepreneur entrepreneurial journey. And if not, I was going to start looking for other jobs in property management.

And I was on my walk that the law and I stumbled upon this feather and I was like, Hm. And then immediately the logic

voice came in little self-talk gremlin was,I guess, random bet.

And I pick up my phone to take a picture of it and it's literally 11:11, and I hear this voice inside me that was like, well, yeah, you wouldn't have believed me otherwise.

And I was like,

it's that like our tendency and our desire to discount is so strong. But if [00:55:00] you are willing to just tap in and listen, that voice will get louder and it will get stronger. The evidence, the feelings of beliefs, those are a muscle. And so is your intuition.

Meaghan: Beautiful. And I will absolutely not cut that out. Who are you talking to? Okay, well, thank you so much for your time, Jenna. I loved having you. Okay. I'm going to say that we got some delicious nuggets out of that podcast. There's some good little bites that I'm going to grab for the audio grams and yeah, super excited. Thank you so

Jenna: Yes, thanks so much for having me.

Meaghan: of course. And tell everybody where they can find you and what you got going on in the next couple of weeks or a month or so.

Jenna: Yeah, so you can, you can find me on Instagram @itsjennaslaughter. Um, you can also find at I have a few freebies that are up there. I also have the Unlearning Podcasts, which is an awesome, beautiful space. And if you're interested in heart [00:56:00] forward business coaching or my embodiment mentorship, uh, do a connection call just to see if we are a good fit.

And I encourage you to, if you are feeling that nudge, it is not a mistake. Don't let your self talk gremlin be like, but this isn't for you. You're self-talk gremlin doesn't want you to grow. It literally knows that means death for the self-talk gremlins. So if you feel a nudge, follow it, that's what I'm saying.

Meaghan: Love you. Love you so much. Talk to you later. Bye.


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Love you so much. Bye.


Pleasurable Money Podcast Transcription


Pleasurable Money Podcast Transcription