I’m Meaghan, your local hot girl CFO & the naked neighbor 🤠

I am a feminist, a girl’s girl, & a fierce advocate for womxn’s rights, queer rights, land back, & financial equity through an anticapitalist lens.

I love to play the Sims 4, read smut, & watch ASMR. I don’t care what anyone says, I will drink my iced oatmilk chai latte even in freezing weather.

I’m a Southern girl - born & raised in Alabama but a go of it in New York City for a couple of years. Working at an important CPA firm, I was living my big finance-girl-in-the-city dreams until I realized that everyone around me was miserable both in & out of tax season.

So, after getting fired from that job in 2018, hubs & I had a serious convo about where I was going to go next with my career. I had already been playing around with some freelance clients, so we decided to risk it for the biscuit & dive feet first into the deep end of entrepreneurship.

Mind you, I had never fancied myself a business owner girlie, but both my parents are serial entrepreneurs so I guess it really only makes sense that this is what I do.

From there, we moved to upstate New York & I absolutely loved the mountains & the idyllic towns. The farms & the breweries (I’m an IPA drinker). Then, in 2022 we moved back to our home state of Alabama to be closer to our families.