Pleasurable Money Podcast Transcription

32 | How to Hire a Coach that will Challenge & Thrill You


This is the Pleasurable Money Podcast. Hi, I'm Meaghan and I'm the divine alien driving this here spaceship. I'm a pleasurable money coach with over a decade of experience in finance. During that time, I've learned that a mix of systems and spirituality makes a perfect blend. I have helped hundreds of spiritual business owners heal their relationship with money, and I'm here to teach you how to become money's ride or die.

Stop treating money like a booty call using the help of tools like breathwork and pleasure, which will be featured on this podcast and learn from me and other experts about how to own your wealth. Together, we will break down what it looks like to be in relationship with money and to be in full embodiment with your pleasure.


Hello, everyone. Welcome back to the Pleasurable Money Podcast. I am your host, Meaghan, and I'm so excited to have you here One quick announcement at the top, I have released and launched a poetry and like erotic, pleasurable money like temple called the Ritual Room. It's on Substack. So, if you know what Substack is, it's kind of like a Patreon, but it's more of like a paid newsletter.

Where I will be sharing with you my erotic poetry, my meditations that are a little spicy and steamy that I don't feel comfortable sharing on the normal channels. And it's just a way for me to let you guys in on my hot, erotic, red hot soul, you know, when it comes to money. So, the link to join the Substack or subscribe to the Substack will be in the show notes.

And it's just a really fun place, super low key laid back. It's only $5.55 a month. And so, it's just super accessible as a place to get to know me and how I feel about money and my, my work. Very few promotional type posts where I'm like actively selling, but more of like, prayers and poems written to money.

Okay. With that out of the way, I wanted to dive into the topic of how I choose a coach, how you can choose a coach and how to like make big investments in your business in general. Because, I got this request when I was talking about how I hired my coach on Instagram, yesterday? Yes, it was yesterday. I got a request to talk more about my process of how I go about choosing and feeling into my body.

So, I thought I'd talk about that today. If you have not listened to my last podcast episode, I talked a little bit about how I hired a $4,000 per month coach and how it has changed everything and how I'm feeling a lot of different ways about it. So that is going to be the meat of this episode.


This episode of the pleasurable money podcast is brought to you by my private coaching program, the Sacred Money Method. We're going to transform your money mindset, improve your spending habits, connect money to pleasure, implement systems such as Profit First, and destroy debt. This program is unlike any other and truly combines this spiritual with the practical. This is not just a manifestation program it's so much more powerful than that. We work on creating a ride or die my relationship with money. I've opened up enrollment and there are only limited spots available, so go to the link in the show notes to apply for the next round beginning, June 1st, 2022.


Okay, I want to make it clear that the purpose of this podcast is not to tell you to go out and hire at $4,000 a month coach. That is massively inaccessible for most people in the U.S. right now. What I am going to tell you is to do something that scares you. To try something that is out of your comfort zone, and it doesn't have to necessarily do with money. Money doesn't have to be the defining factor. It could be their methodology. The way they teach about a given subject matter may trigger you or intrigue you, and that's what is the deciding factor on whether or not you work with them, because it feels stretchy and edgy.

Number two, it could be the nature of the container. It could be one-on-one it could be group, mastermind, self-paced. Maybe you're used to doing everything self-paced, and you want to challenge yourself with a private coaching program, but you're scared that you won't show up to all of the calls because it's something you've never done today- done before.

That is stretchy and edgy and that could be the deciding factor. That could be the scary, thrilling thing that you move on, that you choose to motivate you to work with a coach. It could also be the structure of the container. What they're offering, um, how many times per month you're meeting, um, maybe you're used to having hyper accountability.

Maybe you're used to meeting once a week and you have a coach that's only going to be meeting with you twice a month. Um, that could be super stretchy for you. That would be super stretchy for me. And then another thing to consider is the values and the transparency of the coach themselves. So, making sure that they align with your values, or they align with values that you'd like to hold in the future that you are trying to embody and bringing that into your reality.

So those are four other ways, four other things to consider while you're choosing a coach, other than just investment. I'm going to be talking a lot about the investment in this podcast episode, because it was a huge factor for me. So, to just hop right on in. My coach is $4,000 a month. The last coach that I hired was $1,800 a month.

That's over two times the last investment that I made, but every time I would go through and test certain aspects of different coaches that I wanted to work with, it was came back to the investment every time. Because I'm a highly coachable person, I know I can get what I need from every single container.

I needed something that was going to challenge me and thrill me to step up and embody everything that I've been trying to embody over the last five months. Since the beginning of the year. I made this, you know, incredible promise to myself around finally stepping up in my business and embodying the type of coach I want to be at the beginning of the year.

And I just never followed through with it. And I kept getting this ping from the universe over and over and over again that you just need a coach. You need to hire an amazing high caliber coach and then things will fall into place for you. And I kept saying yes, I know that's true. I know that's true.

But I didn't believe that my money could support me in that decision. I didn't believe my money could go that far. And it's, it's absolutely changed everything. I'm making money in my sleep. I'm promoting myself, promoting my offerings on TikTok and Instagram more frequently. People are responding to my energy.

I'm getting more and more DMs, responding to things on my stories more than I have in the last six months around anything that I've said on my stories. People are responding to my uplevel, my upgrade of frequency. And it's all because I decided that this coach was going to be a good, a good decision for me.

And I could have easily- so there's this line. There's a very thin line when we invest any amount of money in anything between allowing it to lift us up out of a low vibrational playground and on the other side of that line, being desperate and grabby. So, and it's easy to oscillate back and forth and you may be oscillating back and forth.

I'm definitely going back and forth between feeling, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck desperate. And being like, I gotta do everything I can. I got to take everything that comes to me and also being like, no, I'm a bad fucking bitch. This is going to change how I operate. This is going to change how I attract clients.

So, I just want to acknowledge that you may be feeling both right, if you have just invested in a high-ticket investment of any kind. Maybe you just bought a car, and you have a huge loan that you need to pay off. It's amazing to me because alone of $30,000 for a car is way more normalized then alone for $30,000 with a coach.

Which is what I'm looking at. It's about $25,000, six months at $4,000 a month, twenty-four and a half or so. So, I decided one day, the day before I hired Amber, to not let this drag me to the depths of hell. Because I had this incredibly dramatic doom spiral about where I felt like this investment was going to take me. You know, you have the- first we're going to get into debt. Then we're going to end up on the streets.

Then we're going to be addicted to drugs. Then we're going to end up dead. Then we're going to end up in hell. Like my doom spiral ended up in hell. Like I was so afraid that I was dragging me and my family to the depths of hell. That's how, like fucked up my brain, my mind trash was around this investment, but I decided the day before that it's the, the possibilities of the positive are just as equal as the positive, the possibilities of the negative.

And I could just, as easily, this could set me up for a million-dollar business. This could be the decision that changes everything in my life and propels me forward into the type of business and coach that I've always wanted to be just as equally as dragging me to the depths of hell. But my brain wants to focus on dragging me to the depths of hell to make sure that I stay safe.

Because the good, the positive, the, um, all of the amazing ramifications that this could cause are still too scary and out of reach for me to consider as a rational possibility. Because even still, even if I get everything I want, I still have to be a different person. It's still going to be scary. It's still going to be dangerous for me and my nervous system and my body to become that other person.

So, my brain's like, we gotta make sure we got to make damn sure that she does not make this decision. So, let's like catastrophize and come up with the worst fucking possible outcome of this investment. And that's where I ended up in hell. It's so funny. It's so funny because, rationally, I know that there's an equal, there's an equal opportunity for both outcomes. And even, and like, I'm not a statistician and I never took statistics in college, but it's, there's just as much of an opportunity for you to thrive as there is for you to struggle.

Let's talk about how I actually go about doing the tests and figuring out what's going to actually challenge me to step into my highest self. To step into my highest alignment. So, it's an amazing problem to have, I have a list, a mile long of coaches that I want to work with. Because I've heard amazing things.

They teach amazing things. I want to be in their atmosphere. I want to be in their energy, soak up their sun. So, as I was going through, as I was realizing more and more that I needed to hire a coach, like I had to, had to, had to have a coach, um, because I was not, I was not holding myself accountable. I wasn't following through on the things that I kept promising myself that I would do, and that needed to change because things are coming up in my life, important things are coming up in my relationships that I get to take responsi-, take great responsibility for it is my great responsibility to have amazing people in my life and take care of them and, and provide certain opportunities for them. So, I knew it was about damn time,

" (sings) about damn time in a minute Ima need a…"

Okay. So, as I was going through the list of coaches that I wanted to work with, there's a coach that was $2,000 a month. And that felt really doable to me that felt like mundane almost and kind of, boring. Oh, and I want to make one other disclaimer. That more money does not always equal higher caliber. And I want to be clear that like, if I believed that I would believe that I am not a high caliber coach, because my pricing is $1,500 a month compared to my own coach's pricing of $4,000 a month.

And if I believe that higher investment equals high equals higher caliber. Then I would not show up the same for my clients as I expect my coach to show up for me. But since that's not the case, and I do believe that anyone at any price point can have the, can provide the highest caliber service to you.

Then that means that I can show up at any investment level and kick ass with my clients. So, while I'm talking about this, I want to make sure that you know, that I'm not saying that just because my coach costs more means that they're going to provide me a better service. So, one of the coaches that I wanted to hire was $2,000 a month.

And when it came down to it, there were three that I was considering. Amber is $4,000 and the next coach that I wanted to hire was about she, I think she was like $5,555 a month.

Now, $2,000 felt boring to me. Not that her container or the way that she taught or the methodology or the values or the transparency of her were any different or any less than what I wanted. I knew that I needed something to kind of grip me and thrill me and scare the shit out of me. So, and I've been following these coaches for, um, at least six months up to years, up to like three years.

One of the coaches I've been following for three years. So, I know that these coaches walk their talk. Okay. And that's very important to me to know that they are going to be transparent, be ethical in their practices, hold my same values and also challenge my values and make sure that I am, magnifying and evolving my values every once in a while, to make sure that I'm still in alignment with who I am. So, I would bring the n- the number into my body. Okay. $2,000 a month. Does that make any part of my body react?

Breathing deeply into my belly. I'm a sacral response, manifesting generator. So, it's important for me to listen to my gut response. Yes or no. uh, $2,000 a month did not do anything for me. Didn't there was no reaction. I was like, meh. I know I can be challenged more. And as I moved up okay. Next $4,000 a month.

Breathing deeply into my belly. Ooh. That's like a grip. That's a grip in my chest. That's a grip in my throat. That's a, oh fuck this is going to be exciting and thrilling. And y'all, I wish I could do rollercoasters still, but my motion sickness is so bad, but I used to love roller coasters when I was a kid.

Loved the thrill of it. Can't do it anymore. My whole family has really bad vertigo. I don't know what the fuck that is. So anyway, I knew it felt, it felt like he was going to be thrilling, a thrilling ride for me to invest with Amber. And the more I listened to her podcast, the more everything she was saying was like speaking directly to me.

And I was favoriting every single episode that I listened to, which is not normal for me. I listen to so many coaching podcasts, so many entrepreneurial podcasts and yeah, they're all good. They're all great. I always get something from each of them, but every single one of her episodes, I was like, holy fuck.

Like damn. And I knew her values are eroticism and pleasure in business and fun and rest. Those are her values, which are my values, and I'm trying to hold myself so high in those values. So, I knew Amber was going to be an amazing choice. And it's funny. I booked a call with her for like the very next day I booked a call for it was a Tuesday.

And so, I booked her booked to call for Wednesday and immediately I was like, I just want to tell her everything she's already my coach. I already know it. I can feel it. Everything about the way she holds space. Already. I knew, I just knew. I knew she was my coach and I've been looking for; I know I said this in my last episode, but I've been looking for my forever coach.

I want to find someone that I can work with for years who knows me, who can be like, look, I already know where your brain is going with this, so we can just skip the, you can skip the mind trash here and go straight into a pleasure practice. And that's another thing that I wanted to prioritize in my business was holding myself accountable to my pleasure practices and making sure that I was walking my own talk, that I talked to my clients and to my audience and to you guys.

Like I have to do those things too. I'm not just going to tell you to, you know, do one of my pleasure practices that's on my podcast or in the Drip Money Membership and not do them myself. Like I listen to my own podcast episodes. I listen to my own meditations. I listen to my own voice notes. I read my own poetry, my own erotic poetry to money.

Like it, it comes back to me, and I wanted more accountability, more pleasure, more, drippy, juicy, steamy, all of the fun, sexy words. Okay? So that was a huge reason why I hired Amber. Oh, another thing that I found that was super helpful was that I knew that she was such a high caliber of coach, not just because of the money. Yes, because of the money, but not just because of the money, because she works through her own issues. And I can hear it in her podcast. I can hear her literally coaching herself as she is speaking in her podcasts, which I hope that you can hear that with me too.

I really hope that I um, get that across to you guys that I am doing everything I can to be the best coach for you guys. So, I knew that my issues with this investment, I could actually bring to her and have her coach me through my fear of going to hell for investing $4,000 a month in her. And I could also expect her not to take it personally.

And as a statement about her coach, her as a coach. So, it's, it can be easy for when we have clients who were afraid to invest, to work with- it can be hard for us to not take that personally and be like, oh, that says something about me. That means that I'm not, I'm not a good coach. I don't know what I'm doing.

And so, we take other people's fears about working with us onto ourselves. But I knew I could take this fear into our container, and she would be able to hold me and move me through that just beautifully.

Because my fears about investing in this container had nothing to do with her as a coach or as a service provider or as a marketer. It had everything to do with me and my trust that I will show up and follow through. Because like I said, at the top, I haven't been following through and I've lost a lot of trust in myself.

So, trusting myself to actually step up and not let myself cower in fear after making this investment was hard. So, it had nothing to do with her as a coach. It had everything to do with me. And I'd say most of the time, if not a hundred percent of the time, that's, that's the reason that's our reason for fear is because we're not, we're afraid that, um, we're not going to follow through or something out of our control in life, happens to us and therefore we can't follow through.

Which is scary. And I'm totally acknowledging that that is scary. But 99% of the time, it has nothing to do with the service provider themselves. Another thing that about this investment that's been amazing is that I can feel myself and I have already had amazing sales calls with high, high, high caliber clients. Like I'm just going to go ahead and brag real quick, I am a high caliber client. I do the work I show up for the sessions. I allow myself to move in and out of my emotions and I am honest about my emotions and about my current mental state and physical state while we're in session.

I'm an amazing client. Okay. Amazing. So, I know that as an amazing client who has an amazing coach, I am now translating that to my own clients. They get to be amazing clients. They get to step up and be their best selves in session with us. And I get to be the highest caliber coach I can be. I get to be a $4,000 a month coach, who's only charging $1,500 a month.

And in that way, I also get to raise my prices soon. After this next round of Sacred Money Method, my prices are going up and that feels amazing because I get, because I'm learning how to be a high caliber coach from a high caliber coach. And that's incredible.

It's incredible. And, and, uh, invaluable. I can't, I can't replicate that.

It would take me longer to replicate that experience if I was just doing it by myself. If I never had a coach for the rest of my life, I could get to $4,000 a month eventually, but I wouldn't feel like a $4,000 a month coach for a very long time. And I'm just speaking about myself personally, my own experience right now.

It may be completely different for you. And one of the things, one of my values that I live by is that I don't spend money that doesn't feel good. And this money, although scary, and I mean, downright terrifying, downright like horrifying at some times, is the most thrilling money that I've spent in a very long time.

And it feels very, very good. So, as you're considering who to work with next, you get to take all of these things into consideration. Make sure that the money feels scary, exciting. Um, but make sure that there's some kind of like positive, like, oh, this is going to make me feel like, oh, this is going to make me feel, um, challenged and thrilled.

And when I say thrilled, it kind of sounds like I'm like gambling with my money, which sometimes I am. But when I say thrilling, I don't, I, another value that I live by is that I'm not going to live a um, I'm not going to live a, like even keeled life, if that makes sense. It's going to, it's going to have the dirt and the gold and the love and the passion and the sex and the deep emotion, the anger, the frustration is going to have it all my life is going to be so fully lived.

And my money is not just going to go to bills and taxes and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. No, it's going to be used to enlighten me. It's going to be used to challenge me. It's going to be used to throw me. And that's just something that I live by. You do not have to live by that, but if that's intriguing to you, and you want to get into my vortex, and I highly recommend joining the Sacred Money Method over the summer.

We begin June 1st. And you can even get in a little bit later. Cause I know this episode, this episode goes up on the 27th. So, in just a few days, But yeah. Apply at the link in the show notes. If you feel called to the Sacred Money Method, I'll tell you a little bit about the Sacred Money Method. So inside of the container, it's a 12-week container.

And you will get down to the bottom of why you can't keep, make, love money. We're going to release shame around money and use scarcity as a guide. It's one of my favorite things to teach about. Um, we're going to create new portals for money to flow through, so that, um, you can have pleasure and rest at the center of all of your money portals. And we're going to improve your spending habits so that you can make aligned purchases every single time.

A couple other things that I'm going to teach you how to do are learn to schedule your busy calendar based on your natural menstrual cycles or the phases of the moon, and even take an entire week off, every single month of your bleed, if that feels yummy and delicious and pleasurable to you, then this is the container for you.

And one more thing, we're going to set up a banking system, a money tracking system that works with you and is not just dragging behind you. The investment is $4,500 full pay. And three payments of $1,500, if you're doing the payment plan. I also have a sliding scale available for anyone who has, who doesn't have access to funds, um, in that way.

Like if you have unmanageable debt, if you have a hard time providing the normal essentials everyday essentials for yourself, ask, in the application, there's a part for you to answer, "would you like to be considered for one of the sliding scale options?" And that is for you, if you are BIPOC, if you are queer, that is created just for you.

Thank you so much for joining me and I will see you next week on the Pleasurable Money Podcast. Bye.


You've been listening to the Pleasurable Money podcast. If you want to attract more money into your life, subscribe to Pleasurable Money wherever you listen. And if you learned something today, DM this episode to a friend. Reviews help this podcast reach the rest of the world, so if you leave a five-star review on iTunes, it could be featured in a future episode.

Love you so much. Bye.

Meaghan Wall