Pleasurable Money Podcast Transcription

31 | 3 Ways to Connect to Money Right the F*ck Now


This is the Pleasurable Money Podcast. Hi, I'm Meaghan and I'm the divine alien driving this here spaceship. I'm a pleasurable money coach with over a decade of experience in finance. During that time, I've learned that a mix of systems and spirituality makes a perfect blend. I have helped hundreds of spiritual business owners heal their relationship with money, and I'm here to teach you how to become money's ride or die.

Stop treating money like a booty call using the help of tools like breathwork and pleasure, which will be featured on this podcast and learn from me and other experts about how to own your wealth. Together, we will break down what it looks like to be in relationship with money and to be in full embodiment with your pleasure.


Hi, everyone. Welcome back to the Pleasurable Money Podcast. I am your host, Meaghan, and I'm so excited to have you here on this beautiful Wednesday. Uh, the day that I'm recording this, this will go up on a Friday, though. So, hello from the past. I wanted to talk to you today about the three ways that you can connect to your money now.

Um, and this is the biggest question I get. When I go on podcasts, when I go on a guest expert like group speaking, this is the question I get asked every single time, how can my audience start now? How can we start now? How can we deepen our relationship with money right now?

So, I'm here to give you the not-so-secret sauce.

Um, and these are the biggest tips that I tell my clients when they ask for easy, simple, tangible ways to set them up, set themselves up for success. So, I have my notes over here. If you see me looking over there, I'm just checking my notes because I am a note taker. And actually, I had a mentor who used to say, "note takers are moneymakers". Actually, she probably still says that, but when I was working with her, that's when she said that to me.

Um, so. Yeah. And before we dive in, I wanted to do a little catch up. I did find a coach and I was able to hire a business coach, finally. It's been, I mean, ever since the beginning of the year, I've been feeling this nudge to hire a business coach, to, to get support.

And I've been feeling very constricted and limited by my, by myself really. It's not my money's fault. It's myself and my, my own anxiety and my own beliefs about how far my money can stretch. Um, so I had this belief for a long time and I'm still kind of dealing with it that my money cannot support that level of, um, intimate container that I need.

I am someone who is like "teacher’s pet", like pick me, sitting at the front of the class, super Hermione Granger vibes. Like I love to be center of attention with my mentors. I don't want to fight for attention with a group.

Um, self-paced courses are not for me, depending on what they are. I can do certain things, certain types of self-paced courses, but for the most part, I just can't hold myself accountable. It's really hard for me to hold myself accountable to showing up for self-paced courses.

Which is why my main offering, um, for the longest time has been a private coaching program, because I know if I'm like this, then there are other people out there like this. Who don't want the group aspect, they're like, "that's great for you if you love the group aspect, if you're, if you're all about those community vibes and you feel good, kind of, um, in the crowd, but I like to stand out."

I'm a Libra. I have air and fire in my chart. I'm also a manifesting generator. So, I have a lot of my own energy coming from within, my sacral.

So, I'm just a very, for- like front and center person. And that, to me, it like, I'm learning to embrace it. Like I've never, I've never, this whole, like, "teacher’s pet" archetype that I've been identifying with just in the last, really like two weeks. Cause it almost dawned on me when I was thinking about, okay, I need to get some kind of support, but I could probably go with a group program.

They're going to be a little bit more affordable. The investment's going to be lower because I'm not getting, um, a hundred percent access to the coach. So, I should probably go the way of a. Group coaching program, but that didn't feel good to me. I didn't feel like I was going to get the support that I needed.

And actually, when I was considering coaches, it's an amazing problem to have, I have like six different coaches that I have been wanting to work with and that have been on my list and that I've been eyeing for a long time. And so, when it came down to it, I really, it was between two different coaches.

And and it just, when I got on the call with her, it just felt so right. And honestly, I've been looking for like my forever coach people. I, I never realized this? until recently, like within the last year and a half or two that people work with coaches for years and years and years. and that's like, a normal thing. My private coaching program is only a three-month container. It's only 12 weeks. And that is incredibly short for the industry standards. Like I would say most coaching programs are at least six months long. I have seen, I mean, a lot of coaches have yearlong programs as well as 24-month, 48-month programs where you are committing to years of your life.

With this one coach. And I love the idea of that. And that's only been a recent, like discovery of mine that I love the idea of a long-term coach. So, all that to say is that I hired a coach. The investment is way out of my comfort zone. Like. Like I'm talking, let me actually do the math real quick. What's the most I've ever paid for a coach

for a private coach? Probably like, I think I paid uh 5,500 for a three-month program. So that's $1,850 per month for a program. So, this pro this coach is

how do I do this? Um, math is hard, is a little bit over two times more investment. than the most expensive coach I've ever invested in, and I'm going to be super vulnerable and honest with you guys. I don't have, like, this money is not flowing into me at this moment. Like as much as I believe and know that that money is infinite and it's, uh, it's an ever-circulating asset in my life.

$4,000 a month is not currently flowing. And yet I had this amazing epiphany yesterday morning, before I hopped on the sales call with Amber. Um, I, uh, all of these, what if statements were running through my head.

What if, what if I put us into debt and we're like in dire straits and like it's me and I've ruined everything? And like my husband, you know, is super stressed out and, and on and on and on and on and on all the things that you guys deal with. I promise you; I'm dealing with the same exact things. And I coach myself through the same exact anxieties and beliefs and, uh, you know, thought gremlin that lives in my brain that tells me all of the bad things that could, that are gonna happen.

And it's really my, my lizard brain, my evolutionarily, like, "you need to be safe" brain. You don't need to put this, like, this is a lot of money for you. And it could, it could ruin you and yes, it could ruin me, but it could also transform me. And as much as like I was in the spiral of like, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit oh shit yesterday, I had this epiphany that I can decide what this money does for me, what this investment does for me, what this coach does for me.

Because if you guys have ever listened to, um, Stacey Boehman's podcast, the Make Money as a Life Coach podcast, she has an episode where she talks about being highly coachable and being able to get whatever you need out of any coaching session that you go into. And it's funny because I, I am highly coachable. I am like anybody, my clients teach me things. People who are way like people who are just starting out in their businesses are a month into their coaching business can teach me things because I am highly coachable and I get what I need when I show up for a container or when I show up for a podcast episode, when I'm listening. I get something out of everything.

And I encourage you to become highly coachable. I will link her episode in the show notes because I can't do it justice right now, but she goes through the steps about how to become a highly coachable person. Which is an excellent quality to have in my opinion.

So, because I am a highly coachable person, I get to go into any container and get what I need. Which means that I get to decide that this coaching container, this $4,000 a month coaching container for the next six months is going to transform my coaching business, my life, my pleasure, my ritual, everything about my life is going to transform from yesterday on.

And guys, it already has. Like, I made that decision yesterday morning. I was ecstatic. I was ecstatic to get on the call with her because I already felt like she was my coach. I already knew that she was my coach. I just needed her to know that she was my coach and to choose me.

And it's so funny because I said earlier, I'm a teacher's pet. I need all the attention on me. And she only takes one private coaching client at a time, which I did not know when I got on the call with her. So, it just felt so aligned. It just felt if everything, everything fell into place. And even though I'm scared shitless about this investment, I'm also like scared-cited.

Like I'm scared, excited, because if I'm not scared shitless, it's not transforming me. And I, and I'm addicted to this feeling of, um, like it's a thrill, it's a thrill to play on the edges of my comfort zone. It's a thrill to play on the edges of what is the norm and what could possibly bring me massive transformation.

And just the idea, just the thought of bringing in massive transformation with this coaching container has shifted everything. I mean, it has shifted everything. And I'm going to do a separate podcast about it because I don't like it's, it's brand new. Right?

I signed on with her yesterday, so it's like, I wanna, I wanna collect my thoughts, I want to gather, I want to integrate, I want to implement. And then I'm going to do a podcast episode about what I learned from investing $4,000 a month in a coach.

And right now, my private coaching is $1,500 a month. Which is a steal you guys like for my, my clients get so much out of my private coaching.

They tell me all the time; this is so much more than money coaching. I'm getting relationship transformations. Self-worth transformation. Self-confidence CEO transformations. I mean, I promise all of this in my marketing, but it's, it's so much more than what you think it is. And I truly consider myself to be more of a life coach than I am a money coach, which we focus pretty much solely on money.

But it ripples out into and affects every other aspect of your life. Because money is so intertwined in everything. Sex, love, job, self, relationships, like, like everything that you can think of. Spirituality. It's all intertwined into money and our idea of money. And it's not necessarily the, the dollar bill, the paper, the coin, the dollar in your bank account that I'm talking about. It's not just the dollar itself. It's what the dollar represents. It's your self-worth of earning the dollar of exchanging the dollar of circulating the dollar, because money is so much more than just money.

It's so interesting because I think that a lot of people have this view of money as like you know, it's just a tool. Like I just, I use it to live. I use it to, to do things in my everyday life, which you know, is what it is, and can be very discouraging in a capitalistic society. But money is more than that because it is so intertwined in our self-worth.

If, if every single person on this earth did not associate their self-worth or their self-image or the way they're perceived by others with their money then we wouldn't be having this conversation. I wouldn't have a job or I, I would be doing something different. You would not need my help with your money mindset, with your financial situation. There would be no issue.


This episode of the pleasurable money podcast is brought to you by my private coaching program, the Sacred Money Method. We're going to transform your money mindset, improve your spending habits, connect money to pleasure, implement systems such as Profit First, and destroy debt. This program is unlike any other and truly combines this spiritual with the practical. This is not just a manifestation program it's so much more powerful than that. We work on creating a ride or die my relationship with money. I've opened up enrollment and there are only limited spots available, so go to the link in the show notes to apply for the next round beginning, June 1st, 2022.


Let's get into the meat of the episode and we're going to be talking about the three ways to start deepening your relationship with money right now. Start, um, bringing pleasure into your relationship with money.

Number one is open a separate biz bank account right now, right now, right now, right now, right now. I'm serious. I'm going to drop some links in the show notes of some banks that I highly recommend. And I want you to pause. Click on one of those links and open a new bank account just for your business or login to your current bank account and if you have a bank account that you're just not using right now, that you set a purpose for ages ago, and you've never actually implemented that purpose, go change the nickname now to "my business" or um, the name of your business or "fun business things", or "fuck the man", or like "light love and happiness", "abundance always".

Like change it to something that's going to tell you that this is for business only. And I, this is, I've heard it both ways. I've asked financial friends if it has to be a quote unquote "business" designated account. And one of my friends says as long as you're using it for business only, it can technically be a personal account. But I've also heard the opposite.

So, do your own research. Figure out, in whatever country you're listening from, what the regulations are here in the U.S., if it's technically a "personal" account and you're only using it for business, you should be fine.

However, I will say, if you are, co-mingling your personal and your business transactions in the same bank account. That's not okay. I don't care if you are a sole proprietor. I don't care if you're an LLC. I don't care if you're an S-Corp. I don't care if you a multinational corporation.

If you are co-mingling your personal transactions with your business transactions, you're doing it wrong. Not to mention, it's hard for you to do your bookkeeping at the end of the month. It's hard for your accountant to do the bookkeeping. It's harder for everyone. And it's also harder for you to stand up- for your business to stand up in court if somebody decides to come after you, come after your business assets.

Um, because, and especially if you have an LLC. An LLC is there to provide a barrier to between your business assets and the people of the world. So, your business assets live in this little house that your LLC has built. And if you are mixing your personal transactions and your business transactions, that house is not sturdy. It's not stable. It's not actually protecting anything. Because if you get audited and they find that one transaction is personal, that's in your business account, they're going to go through every single other purchasing decision you've ever made.

And it's a pain in the ass and invasive. So just only conduct business out of your business account, please. So that's the first tip. Open a separate bank account for your business right now. Give your money its own space to play and live.

It's like, it's like when you get your first checkbook as a kid and you feel like, oh my gosh, I'm an adult now. Or, sorry, checkbook. I'm a, I'm an older millennial. I'm almost 30 now. So, I grew up with checkbooks.

Um, but it's like when you get your first debit card or when you get your first Starbucks card or whatever it is. And you feel like an adult, and you can walk up to the counter and tap your card. And you're like, this is how your business feels when you give it its own bank account.

It feels like, okay, I'm a big boy. I'm a big girl. I'm a, I'm a big kid now. Like I am I can do this. Like I have my own autonomy. Your business feels like it's finally growing up when it has its own business bank account.

And I highly recommend Ally bank if you're going to go with just the personal account, like if you're not going to worry about setting up a business account, go with Ally. You can have as many accounts as you want.

And I'm only going to be recommending banks that I know are like Profit First friendly. And what I mean by that is you can open multiple bank accounts without any penalties.

Because if you know anything about Profit First and I will be doing more episodes about Profit First in the future. Um, Profit First, you ha- you need like five different bank accounts, just right off the bat.

I have about 15 different bank accounts across all of my banks. I am a nerd at like wanting to try new banks. So that is my gift to y'all because I am, I love trying new credit cards, banks, all of those types of things. So, for the personal account designation, I would go with Ally. Great customer service, all online, debit cards, checks, all the whole nine yards.

And then if you're going to go with a business designated bank account, I would either go with Novo or Relay. Novo has what's called, um, I think they're called buckets or, um, they're called something like buckets. So, you don't actually have separate accounts. They don't have different account numbers. They're all within the same account, but you have different buckets that you can transfer to, which is useful.

And Relay you can have actual separate accounts. Which I love Relay. I- Novo's great. But when I found Relay, I was like, this is what I've been looking for. Because I can pay something out of my operating expenses account, because it has its own bank account, and it's not going to touch any of my other money. It's not going to touch my owner's pay money. It's not going to touch my taxes money. Now with the buckets, it will still be separated. It will be designated into these different buckets.

But to me, the way my brain works, it's still all one. So, if you're like me and you like to have everything super compartmentalized, or you feel like you need that in your life, then I would go with Relay. Um, and like I said, I'll link all of those below or in the show notes, wherever they happen to land on your platform.

Okay. Number two, start paying yourself. Number two on the list of things that I tell my clients when they ask for easy, simple, tangible ways to set themselves up for success. Number two is to start paying yourself. I suggest taking at least 5 to 10% of everything you make and send it to yourself.

Now that we have our own business bank account, I want you to take 5 to 10% first, this is the system of Profit First. We pay ourselves first and then we worry about operating expenses, okay? So, if you do not have enough after you pay yourself the 5 to 10% to pay your operating expenses, then that's when we need to, that's when we get to reevaluate our operating expenses. We get to cut costs. We get to shop around. We get to cancel. Trim the fat.

Okay. Um, and then, so you're starting at 5% and I would even say you can even do 1%. Okay? Just take 1% of everything you make. Slide yourself a 20 every single time you get paid, your business gets paid.

Every time your business gets paid, you get paid. And then every three months bump that up a couple percentages, give yourself a raise. Okay? So, if you start at 1% today, or the day this comes out on Friday, payday. Then in three months, raise it to 3%, then raise it to 5%. Work your way up to 50%. Okay? That might seem scary to a lot of you to take 50% of everything that your business makes, but this is what you deserve as a business owner. Okay? This is what is recommended in the Profit First book by Mike Michalowicz. Um, yeah, that's everything I have to say about that. That's not true. I'll probably do a whole episode about paying yourself. That's all I have to say right now.

Number three and the final tip I have to deepening your relationship with money, right the fuck now, is put a recurring meeting in your calendar to meet with your numbers at least once a week. And I recommend daily because a lot of y'all have a lot of anxiety around even just logging in and checking your numbers, even like noting your numbers.

There's so much drama that goes on in the brain, in the physical field. You're like losing your password. You can't find your debit card. You're like self-sabotaging yourself before you even get to the point of you checking and of actually seeing your numbers. You're losing your password, then you have to reset the password, then you have to go into your email, and then it went to spam and then you have to, you know, do all these things and then you get distracted by your cat or your dog or your child, or your- the neighbor across the street. Like you're putting things in your way. So, along with put a, put a recurring meeting in your calendar, maybe you put your bank login details in the notes of your calendar event so that you have no excuse.

I meet with my meeting every morning- I meet with my money every morning, over coffee, we catch up, we shoot the shit. I meet, I woo my money and treat it like the queen energy that it embodies. That CEO energy. And when I'm meeting with my money, excuse me, I'm burping.

I am in my CEO archetype. I am embodying my inner CEO. I show up as if I am walking into the boardroom, um, you know, files in hand. Briefcase in the other hand coffee, like I am boss bitch in charge meeting with my money. I know what I'm doing. Even if I don't, I know what I'm doing.

So, if you need help with percentages and goals, choosing a bank for your business or creating your money date ritual, then I highly recommend my private coaching program the Sacred Money Method. You may have already seen the advertisement for it at earlier in this video. Um, I'm accepting five clients right now.

Five clients. And I already have a few sales calls booked so don't sleep on this. We start June 1st and it's a 12 week commitment. In this container, you get an entire overhaul of your money, mindset of your relationship with money of your systems with money. And I even teach you how to connect money to pleasure so it's a super deep container. If you've been feeling like you need to shift something, then this is for you.

Okay. I'm done talking. I will see you next time, sacred galaxy, and I hope you have an amazing weekend. Bye bye.


You've been listening to the Pleasurable Money podcast. If you want to attract more money into your life, subscribe to Pleasurable Money wherever you listen. And if you learned something today, DM this episode to a friend. Reviews help this podcast reach the rest of the world, so if you leave a five-star review on iTunes, it could be featured in a future episode.

Love you so much. Bye.

Meaghan Wall