Pleasurable Money Podcast Transcription

Episode 30 | Don't Be at the Mercy of Your Creative Juices


This is the Pleasurable Money Podcast. Hi, I'm Meaghan and I'm the divine alien driving this here spaceship. I'm a pleasurable money coach with over a decade of experience in finance. During that time, I've learned that a mix of systems and spirituality makes a perfect blend. I have helped hundreds of spiritual business owners heal their relationship with money, and I'm here to teach you how to become money's ride or die.

Stop treating money like a booty call using the help of tools like breathwork and pleasure, which will be featured on this podcast and learn from me and other experts about how to own your wealth. Together, we will break down what it looks like to be in relationship with money and to be in full embodiment with your pleasure.


I wanted to talk a little bit about some of the things that I've been learning recently. I've been feeling like I have like thawed out since the winter time, this winter was extremely long and cold and difficult for me.

I live in the Northeast and it has just been snowy and, ugh, claustrophobic. And I haven't felt good since the beginning of the year, really. But things are warming up, finally. I am feeling more inspired, I'm feeling motivated.

And I'm taking on more responsibilities in the networking groups that I've joined. I am uh, taking the initiative and reaching out to people, offering people support and it just feels, it feels like there's some momentum in my business.

And I want to let you know that you don't have to be at the mercy of your creativity. You don't have to be at the mercy of your inspiration. That is something that we get to churn up and ignite within ourselves. We get to stir those feelings up within ourselves and, um, we don't, I mean, there's, there's a time and a place for resting and allowing creativity to come back naturally, but I think it's also important that we know that we don't have to just sit and wait for that circumstance to, to just appear in our lives randomly.

Because it can be extremely, um, what's the word I'm looking for? Disappointing. It can be extremely devastating to not not feel inspiration or motivation to show up in the world for your business, show up as the CEO of your business, because you don't know when it's going to come back.

And there's this feeling of being out of control, this feeling of being almost a martyr, almost a victim to your own motivation and creativity. And the way that I practice business, and sometimes I forget, but, the way that I practice business is by stoking my own fire and working with my pleasure and figuring out where it is that I get to play in order to create momentum in my business.

I'm addicted to change. It's something that is almost a problem where I feel, if I feel too stagnant, if things get too good, I tend to drop bombs and blow shit up in my life. But for the most part, it's a good thing because I'm, I have plenty of ideas on how to create momentum in my business.

So I'll start going for walks every day. I'll change up my movement routine. I will focus on different types of ritual um, more uh, like what am I trying to think of? Like types of yoga that are much more like power yoga and less like yin yoga. Um, Yeah, just changing up my routines, changing up my everyday to stoke that fire and create my own motivation and inspiration. That's the first thing I've been learning.

And this podcast is going to be super laid back. I don't have a script or like a list of like, "these are the five things I've learned over the last few months."

Nope, I'm just going to be kind of talking and shooting the shit with you guys.


This episode of the pleasurable money podcast is brought to you by my private coaching program, the Sacred Money Method. We're going to transform your money mindset, improve your spending habits, connect money to pleasure, implement systems such as Profit First, and destroy debt. This program is unlike any other and truly combines this spiritual with the practical. This is not just a manifestation program it's so much more powerful than that. We work on creating a ride or die my relationship with money. I've opened up enrollment and there are only limited spots available, so go to the link in the show notes to apply for the next round beginning, June 1st, 2022.


So, I also have started working with a mentor. And he's been really great for me, because, first of all, I've never worked with a man before as far as, as far as coaching goes. So, this has been a very new experience for me. And it's interesting because he is very um direct and blunt. Which I love.

Because I feel like with myself, I tend to um, be a little bit more like "oh, it's okay. Like you can take the day off and like, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do."

And, you know, we, he and I, align on like, the fact that we don't want to have to work harder to make more money. But he's very upfront about the blocks that he sees, you know, churning behind my brain, you know, as I'm trying to tell him something he's like, "let me just stop you there. I can already tell where you're going to go. I can already tell that you're going to bullshit me."

Um, which has been fun and very eye opening and also momentum building for me because I've ha-, I've gone so long without having a mentor or having anybody to really bounce ideas off of. Now, that's not to say that, like I have, tons of like my entrepreneur friends and my networking groups, but it's like, this is a little bit different because he's he's calling me out on my bullshit. Which is a good. It's a good thing.

So, yeah that's been fun. And one of the things he said to me was, he's like, "how are you showing up? Are you really showing up for your business? Can you say that you're giving your all?"

 I am four years into my entrepreneurship journey and that's nothing. You know, that's, that's, that's nothing. That is no time at all.

And I it it could be overwhelming to me to think about all of the things that I possibly have to learn out there that there's so much to learn in the world um, moving forward and over my next four years, and my next decade of entrepreneurship. But it really excites me it doesn't really overwhelm me. I used to get really overwhelmed by the amount of knowledge that there was out there, all the books that I wanted to read, all the coaches that I wanted to work with.

It used to really overwhelm me. I'm going to take a sip of my drink.

And maybe a month ago, it would have overwhelmed me, it probably was overwhelming me. But in this moment, all I see the pro- are the prospects are the possibilities and they're endless.

And it's funny, I started applying for jobs. Like workforce jobs, like full-time jobs. And that was one of the things that I was doing to create the momentum that I wanted to see in my life, and in my business.

Because, I wanted to, to prove to myself that I, that I could stoke that fire and and put my all into my business by kind of scaring myself into being like, okay, if, if it's not your business, then it's a workforce job.

And don't get me wrong, I was actually kind of excited about working for someone else about the prospect of getting a job is exciting. And it's funny, the first job that I applied to, I immediately got an, a zoom interview the very next day. And tomorrow, I'm recording this on Wednesday, May 11th. Tomorrow, Thursday I have an in-person interview with that same company.

Um, there are lots of things that I'm considering right now, I even started talking to a staffing agency. I am working on collaborating with other business owners.

So there's a lot of... I took it upon myself to create my own opportunities. Um, applying for jobs creates opportunities. It, it shows the universe that okay winter's over, springtime is here, I'm ready to to, like you know, thrust forward. Like I'm ready for things to start moving. Let's get this shit going, let's get the train going, you know?

It's been, it's been interesting and it's actually paid off in my business. I just got a sales call booked. Which feels so good. And it feels like, okay something I'm doing is, is going well. Um, and that feels that feels good. I'm doing something right.

And it's interesting to me because even though I grew up with two entrepreneurial parents, with a grandfather who started his own company. Like I have entrepreneur-ism in my blood.

And yet it never really occurred to me that I could do it myself. And I think we take for granted our worldview that we grew up with. Like I had a client a few years back tell me that she, that it never occurred to her that she could like work with her hands.

She was always very intellectual. She was, it always felt like the, the predetermined path that she was going to get a bachelor's degree and get a master's degree and then, you know, work for a company where she got to sit behind a desk all day and like, that's how she would do her work, uh, at the computer.

And then she had this epiphany when she, when she attended one of her friends births that she could be a doula and work with her hands and get out of the office and and you know, Do something different than what she always felt like she was meant to do or what she needed to do, what she had to do or what she should do. Like fuck the shoulds man.

I really want to show you that you can do whatever you want and make money at it. Like like when I say whatever you want. I mean, literally whatever you want. Like y'all I know someone who reads tarot but with Pokemon cards. Like, are you kidding me? That's the coolest thing I've ever heard in my life. And as far as I know, she's the only one who does that, like I've never seen anybody else do divination with Pokemon cards. I mean, I guess you could really do it with any kind of card, but it's just fascinating.

And you guys, like you can do whatever you want. If you have something unique, if you are not seeing it in the industry and you're like groundbreaking, first of all, congrats because um, to me, it feels like a lot of the ideas out there are being recycled. There's that, there's that saying where like nobody has a unique idea that no one has ever thought before in the history of time.

That like most thoughts that you have every single day are recycled, the thoughts that everyone that everyone has.

Um, So, yeah, if you have a unique idea that you're not seeing in the industry, it's going to be scary but it's going to be so worth it, dude. It's going to be so worth it.

And I encourage you to like blaze that trail. Don't let the scared little child inside of you that's like "this isn't safe" or the lizard brain that's like trying to keep you safe the survival mode um, unconscious, even, you can even call it your ego, is trying to keep you safe.

That tries, that tells you that, you know, you shouldn't jump out of a plane because it's really scary. Like try not to let those things stop you. Do it scared. That's another thing that I've been working on is like, do it scared.

Do it even when you don't feel like it. And that's coming from me. Who doesn't do anything I don't feel like doing. Like I am very lax with myself. I think I'm a great boss to have. And it's really funny because a lot of the time, I'm like, I should treat myself and I've never denied myself anything in my life. And that's a little extreme, that's a little hyperbo- hyperbolic, but it's for the most part true. I usually don't tell myself I can't have, or I have to do something that I don't want to.

But the idea of thinking to myself "I don't feel like it" and then reminding myself that I'm trying to be devoted to my business, and devoted to my vision...sorry, my computer, just went to sleep. Um, is, has been so helpful for me to create, uh, momentum where there isn't any originally. And it's been amazingly rewarding to show up, even when I don't feel like it. And of course, like take your rest. I'm someone who has absolutely no problem resting, prioritizing self care, taking baths in the middle of the day, taking walks in the middle of the day between calls. Like I have no problem taking care of myself in that way. My issue is showing up when I just couldn't be bothered. And that feels really good to be able to say that I'm working on that resilience.


Um, something else that that same client that I said that I was talking about earlier, who said that they had never thought about the fact that they could work with their hands. She said that she was thinking about doing a Young Living uh, essential oils business. And if you know anything about Young Living or doTERRA or those types of companies, they are considered to be multi-level marketing or MLMs. And so she says "I'm not sure whether it feels like the right fit or not but there's so many people who create abundance and opportunities and I'm here judging with less."

And I thought that was so interesting.

I'm not saying go out and join an MLM, but I'm saying we become these like armchair warriors. It's- I'll use this example. It's really funny whenever we watch like, competition shows whenever my husband and I sit and watch competition shows of like, you know, baking shows or like there's even uh, it's something like Forged From Steel or something like that, where they make knives and swords and stuff like that.

And we'll, we'll be sitting there on the couch being like, ah, you know, "they put too much sugar this time, they're, they're, they're bread's not going to rise", like, we never having baked in our entire lives or forged a fricking knife from our home forge in the backyard. Like ,sitting here acting like we are the expert.

Because we are able to look at it from the outside. And sometimes we're right. Sometimes we've watched enough of the show where we can be like, okay, we know that if you don't let the yeast cultivate for long enough, your bread won't rise or the the, the reaction inside the chemicals or whatever won't won't work.

Um, and sometimes we're right. But for the most part, we have no idea about those people who actually have the talent. Who have actually created the success and the results. And yet we feel like we know best because our ego is popping up its head. Like, well, we're safe in our living room and they're out there putting themselves at risk on a game show or on a competition show. To be disappointed and to be put up for danger, you know, quote-unquote "danger".

Um, But we're sitting there safe and sound warm and cozy with, you know, dinner and a beer acting like we know everything, even though we have, we ultimately have less than they do. Because they're growing, they're challenging themselves, they're winning possibly prize money and uh, spots in magazines and features and, and exposure in that way.

But we sit back and we have all these judgements around how people do business, how people make money and yet we have less than they do. So it's just an interesting observation of like human behavior that I wanted to point out.

Let me look at my notes and just see if there's anything else. Oh, this all came from this one call that I was watching today. So guys, if you don't record and rewatch your past sales calls or coaching calls, I highly, highly recommend you do that because it's extremely beneficial for creating content and like learning how to coach.

Took another sip of my coffee.

So, I was actually watching this coaching call from 2020, I think it was February of 2020 and she had- and, I'll just tell you a little, like what I noticed about myself. Um, is that she had spun this whole story for me, told me everything about what her situation was, and, and instead of just diving into getting down to the the heart of the matter, the meat of what the issue was, I started asking her about what doula program she was in and talking about my best friend who was also studying to be a doula..

And it's just interesting to see the, the comparison between how I coach now and how I coach back then. Um, and how silly that felt to me to just like, ask almost like a random question and not even really dive immediately into the coaching aspect, especially on this type of call because it was a free, a free session that I do. If you guys have been following me for awhile, you know that I do these Money Madness calls over the holidays where I talk to as many entrepreneurs as I can and help them in a 30 minute free session. So this was a 30 minute call that I was wasting time by trying to relate to her.

Now there's nothing wrong with like establishing a baseline and establishing some common ground, but we had already done that at the beginning of the call so there was no need to continue that. I wanted her to get, I sh- I should have been trying to maximize the value that I was giving her in that call.

And I did give her some really great nuggets, but it just struck me that I didn't immediately jump into coaching and maybe that was because I didn't have anything to say. Maybe I don't remember specifically what I was thinking at the time.

But maybe it was because I didn't know what to say. I didn't have anything in my brain around what she had just told me so I was trying to kind of fill the air. But now I know exactly what I would have said to her after her telling me her situation. So, she was talking about the fact that she has quite a lot of debt. She had almost $30,000 worth of credit card debt.

And she was starting to feel trapped and suffocated and shameful about that debt. And so I gave her my normal reframe. If you've listened to this podcast before you might've heard it, but basically for, for us to reframe debt so that you are, so that you love that debt while you pay it off...

It's going to create sustainable debt habits. So, if you shame yourself, if you beat yourself up... it's the same with like, going to the gym. If you are shameful of your body and you're trying to um, punish it by going to the gym, you're not going to be creating healthy habits. So if you're shaming yourself, and punishing yourself for the debt that you have accumulated, it's not going to stick this paying off the debt is not going to stick.

So after I offered her this reframe of...debt to me is an expansion of, and an improvement on our lives in the moment. As well as it's just a decision to pay something off over time. And it is a slippery slope. And I want to be very clear that credit card companies are not our friends. They don't believe in you. They're not here to like root you on or anything like that. They're there to make money. Which is what it is.

But you are in a position, if you have a credit card then that means that you must have had a decent credit score, you must have been in a socioeconomic state that told that credit card company that you were good for the money or that they could make money off of you. And the fact that, if you thought that debt was going to be there, there for the rest of your life you never would have put your money on that credit card. So, somewhere deep inside of you know that you can pay off that amount.

After I gave her all my whole schpiel and my reframe she said ,first of all, she was like, "thank you so much. That's an amazing reframe. And I did feel that way when I put my investments on the credit card. It felt like taking a loan out against myself. It felt like, it felt like, taking myself seriously and investing in myself." That's what she said.

And I loved that line, "taking out a loan against myself".

Because in your business, you are the asset. And I also saw this on a friend of mine stories the other day. She said "I am the money-making asset in my business. Me."

So if I'm investing in myself that means, I believe in myself, somewhere subconsciously. And if you're like fighting yourself, with like, oh, but I don't believe in myself. So, so I can't, you know, invest in myself. What my mentor said to me, is that people often trip themselves up by waiting for results before belief.

And I, I believe that there's a time and a place to quote unquote "see to believe". But in business a lot of times you have to believe before you see the results. And when we believe before we see the results, the results become second nature. They become our energetic minimum, our energetic norm. Not to say that we won't be super excited and ecstatic about those results but we get to normalize them in our lives and they don't have to be dramatic. Um, for too long.

Because the more drama we introduce into our results, the more chaotic our business becomes. And I can do a whole podcast episode on dramatizing our results. Um, but I'm going to end this one here. And hopefully that was helpful for you. It was kind of a bouncing around episode and I actually talked for longer than I thought I would so hey, that makes me feel good. Um, so anyway, I love you so much and I'll see you next time.



You've been listening to the Pleasurable Money podcast. If you want to attract more money into your life, subscribe to Pleasurable Money wherever you listen. And if you learned something today, DM this episode to a friend. Reviews help this podcast reach the rest of the world, so if you leave a five-star review on iTunes, it could be featured in a future episode.

Love you so much. Bye.

Meaghan Wall