Sacred Wealth Podcast Transcription

Episode 12 | LEAKED Coaching Session: Soulful Led Sales

with Amelia Rebecca


You are tuning in to the Sacred Wealth Podcast, I am your host Meaghan and I am so excited to have you here. Throughout my ten years in finance, I have come across so much anxiety and fear surrounding money. It is now my purpose to help women become rich unapologetically.  

The goal of this podcast is to empower you to love your debt, to be so ecstatically grateful for what you have, and to feel safe to ask for more. Together we will figure out what your luxury is and get you on the path to financial freedom. Let’s fucking go.


Hello, hello, hello, and welcome back to the Sacred Wealth Podcast. I always feel like I'm like a radio host or something like, "Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to the Sacred Wealth Podcast. I am your host, Meaghan, and today..." It's just kind of crazy to me. I've got my headphones on, speaking into my microphone. Life is wild man.

Anyway, Amelia is on the podcast today. This is a coaching session that I had with her back in December. It was so fun to chat with her all about soulful sales. I love it when my free coaching clients just take initiative and ask all of their burning questions.

So if you love the way that I coach, if you have some burning questions of your own, I am doing free coaching sessions just like Amelia had in this coaching session, until the end of March to every single person who reviews and rates the podcast. So this is an unusual type of giveaway, I guess, that I'm doing because there's no competition. It's not like you're in the running to get a free coaching session. No! If you rate and review, you're getting a free coaching session. 

So be sure to screenshot that review before you post it because Apple goes through an approval process, so you'll lose it there for a few days. So screenshot it before you post it, send it to me on Instagram, and I'd be happy to send you that link for a free coaching session as well as some exciting news. 

April 1st is going to be officially the third launch of the Sacred Money Method, which is my signature, high-touch, one-on-one, 12-week Coaching Program. And this is all targeted toward intuitive, spiritual entrepreneurs who are looking to reach financial freedom. We move through five phases. We move through improving your spending habits, tackling that money mindset, making sure to feminize your business processes, implementing systems, and also destroying debt. So if any of those things sound like something you need, check out the link in the bio. 

And actually, this is the first time that I will be offering a sliding scale for the pricing for the Sacred Money Method. So, if you find yourself struggling multiple times a month to reach and meet, or if you find yourself struggling sometimes to meet ends meet, there are going to be a couple pricing options for you. Because it is my mission to provide accessible, money education, and I believe that everyone deserves money education, not just those who can afford a high ticket coaching option.

So, check out that information on my website that will be, SacredNumbers.Co/Money-Coaching and I can't wait to see you in a coaching session soon. Okay, bye.




How are you?


Doing so well. How are you today?


I'm good.


I'm so glad to connect you. It's so good to see your smiling face.


I know. I'm so excited.


Well, how was your weekend?


It was really intense, actually.


Oh yeah?


Well, I've mentioned a little bit about what's going on in my business and stuff. And I feel like, because I'm sort of asking for my life to like be upgraded, all this stuff is coming in to show me where my level of worth really is. And so I've been tackling each thing as they come up and it's just been interesting of like, not just in business, but like old relationship stuff is coming up. So it's just a lot, but I think it's all good.


Yeah. When we start opening up the Pandora's box of what needs to heal in our life, we're like, "Oh yeah, that's really bad. That's really bad. Oh, and that needs work too."


Yeah. How was your weekend?


Oh, my weekend was really nice. I had a bunch of errands to run on Saturday, so got a wax, grocery shopping, went and picked up bagels for the family. And then yesterday I had a little community circle with a few women and did some meditation and some movement and pulled some cards and really felt connected. So.


Oh, that's awesome.


Yeah. Well, do you mind if I walk you through how this is going to go a little bit?


Yeah, please.


Awesome. So I have your form here, which you filled out, and thank you so much for doing that. I really appreciate it. We're going to have just about 30 minutes to chat. It's pretty free-form. We can talk about whatever comes up for you and hopefully get you some action items and get some things resolved for you. So I see here that you're looking for, "Worthiness and confidence around selling that feels conscious and true for me." So tell me about what you have come across around selling that doesn't feel aligned.


Yeah. I feel like I was just getting clarity on this in the last few days, where it's like, I can't see selling as anything but desperate and manipulative.




And so even though, intellectually, I understand that it's not that, internally, I just cannot shake that. So it's like, even when I'm putting something out there on social media or to my clients, like what I'm saying feels true. Once I get to the part about like, you know, the call to action, I just feel really like, I don't know, like it's icky. I feel like I'm being manipulative or I'm being really needy or something like that.


Yeah. So it sounds like, to me, you feel really good about your message and like what you have to offer. It's just asking for them to pay you. Is that what's tripping you up?


Um, I don't know. Cause it's not, I feel like I deserve to be paid. Yeah. I guess it's just the part of me that has to like ask them to do it feels, yeah, I guess it is the ask.


Yeah. Yeah. Cause, I mean, the goal of sales or the goal of our business, eventually, is to have people flocking to us, right? To have this amazing offer that people are like, "Where has this been all my life? Please take my money now. Like I need this right now." You don't have to convince anyone.




So really embodying what that feels like to you, in the fact that you're not trying to convince anyone to work with you. It's not a, "Let me relate so hard to you that you feel like you have to invest in me." It's always very much like, and I can feel this coming from you, is that you're truly interested in helping whoever the person is on the other side of the call or on the other side of the DM. So even if you have to say, "I don't even care if you sign up with me, as long as you're getting the help that you need, or as long as you are pursuing the change that you'd like to see happen in your own life."


So I say that all the time on my sales calls of like, "I'm one of many coaches out there that does money coaching. And if we're not right for each other, I have tons of people in my network that I can hook you up with. If that's something that you'd be interested in." So if we come to the end of the call and it feels misaligned, or something's not right about the timing or the pricing or anything like that, I have so many of the resources that I can outsource to.




How does that feel?


Yeah, that feels good. But it's like, how do I even get to your point of someone booking a discovery call, you know?


And that's, that's a huge question and a question that I've even had so many times in the past. Like, "I'm so confident in my offer, but how do I get people on the phone?" Because I know I'm a good interviewee. Like even when I was applying for positions, I was like, "If I could just get on an interview, I can win these people over." Like I know like I'm good at what I do. I know I have the shit, right? So, so a lot of it comes from networking within Facebook groups, and making friends, and getting on people's podcasts. That's a lot of where I've found a lot of business leads have come from. People find me on podcasts and they're like, you know, "You inspired me to open a bank account," or whatever it was. And so doing as much as you possibly can to get your name out there. Because if you're in one corner of the internet, on Instagram, and you're just speaking to your audience, your reach is not very far, right?


Yeah. Yeah.


Can I ask you, how big is your audience?


I have about a thousand followers on Instagram.


Okay. And how active are you on Instagram?


Well, more recently, I've been on there like every day posting something, either to my feed or on my stories. But that's pretty new for me because sometimes I'm just super not feeling it. So I just won't. I mean, I just launched this new six-week thing like two weeks ago, so it's super new. So ever since then, I've been like actively on Instagram.


And how often do you talk about your offer?


Maybe like once a day.


Okay. That's good.

Amelia Rebecca:



So like at any one time, if anybody goes to your stories, they'll see that you have something that you're offering.




Okay, cool. That's amazing. Because a lot of people are like, "Well, I don't know why nobody's buying my offer," and they're not posting anything about their offer. And I'm like, "This is why." So tell me a little bit about your bio and how you claim what you do on social media.


So I am calling myself the "Red Witch" and talking about empowered beauty. And it's really about helping people feel empowered in their beauty, transform their relationship with beauty, and feel really embodied and empowered in their sensuality. So we talk about body and self-image, how to cultivate more love and self-love, how to kind of work with glamour magic and body or intentions through your outer appearance, stuff like that. And it's pretty like fluid. I'm an intuitive, so a lot of it is channeling in my sessions. So I think that what I do is pretty clear in the way that I present it, but yeah.


Yeah. Okay. That's good to hear. So it sounds like that you have a pretty solid foundation. People know that you're trying to sell something to them or that you provide services for people to consume. And I know that it's the selling framework that's feeling a little icky for you and all of that. So have you had any sales calls at all? How do you get people into session with you?




And it's okay if you, if you haven't had any sessions yet.


Yeah. Well, I have before. This container is new, but I was doing these beauty ritual sessions that were one session that now I'm turning into a package. And with that, I was posting a lot about it and just kind of like, “I'm experimenting with this thing.” And it was really fun for me. And I was like, "I'm offering it at this price right now, but it's definitely going to go up as I like figure out what's involved,” and like all of that. And I don't know why when I was coming at it from that place, I was actually getting a lot of bookings. And now that I'm like, "Well, this is more serious. I'm asking people to pay me a lot more money than I'm used to receiving from them." It's just taking me out of that playfulness, like experimental kind of vibe.


That's exactly what I was kind of searching for was, and I've experienced this exact same thing when it comes to my own offerings. So the way we talk about things on our stories has so much to do with how people are receiving us or how we are receiving other people. So my first round of this group program, I did like a beta, you know, super low ticket, like "the price is going to go up." But I was talking about it all the time and I was kind of framing it in this way because it was in the middle of when COVID first started and I was like, "This is for you to help you get your shit together around money, to help you save during COVID." A lot of people have lost their jobs and so me coming from this super excited place of like, "I'm building this for you because I know there's this need out here and I want to help you so badly."


So, and even reaching out to people who I've done past free sessions with. Past, you know, your one-off beauty sessions that you've done, reach out to those people and see if they know anybody who might need your six-week program, or if they'd be interested in your six-week program. Because, especially if it's been a few months, they might need a reminder or they might have, a lot of people need to receive things over and over and over again to actually learn them. So reaching out to past leads is going to really open up your potential, as well as, re-enrolling those people back into your vortex or back into your community. So maybe they've kind of drifted away. Maybe they aren't as active on your posts or anything, reach back out to them and see how they're doing. First and foremost, coming from a place of curiosity and really trying to figure out how they've been doing over COVID and picking out certain things that they say and saying, "Oh, actually, you know, my new program is going to talk exactly about this or maybe this module in my new program could really help you out."


So coming from a place of really desiring to help and I've kind of felt the same way. So a lot of coaches teach direct outreach and cold DM-ing, which for a long time felt really inauthentic to me. And at this point, I don't really do it at all, unless somebody follows me. I'll reach out and be like, "Hey, thanks for the follow. This is what I do. How are you?" And so that's the extent of my direct outreach, but I don't really do a lot of like cold, just searching for people to like start conversations with.


Yeah. Because I've also been trying to be really aware of looking at the way other people approach their sales and like a lot of it is really off-putting to me. So like when I get those kinds of cold DM's like, I'm not into it. You know? So it's like, if I'm not into it, I don't want to do what somebody else is doing if I'm having that kind of reaction. Yeah. So it's also just been like trying to find my own style of communicating about sales. But I mean, it's interesting cause I feel like reaching out to people that I know have benefited from the work that we've done together like, it seems so easy and I just hadn't really thought about doing that.


Yeah. I'm so glad that that resonated. So one of the things that I will say is that I think it's great that you're already wanting to emulate the type of client that you want to get. So you don't want to be the sleazy, salesperson that's sliding into the DMS. Just like, "Hey, I'm trying to tell you something. How you doing?" You know? So definitely selling in a way that like gets you excited because on the one hand for me, when other coaches or when other entrepreneurs slide into my DMS, I get really excited. I'm like, "Wow, you had the courage to reach out to me. I know you're probably like just starting out. I know this is really scary and I appreciate you and I honor you for trying new things." So for me, the cold DM is not, sometimes it's off-putting depending on how they go about it, but most of the time I'm like, "Hell yeah, you did that."


You know? And that's, in my old business when I was doing finance, that's how I got all of my clients was, "Hey, I'm a bookkeeper. You seem like you got a lot going on. Do you need somebody to take care of your money for you?" And a lot of people are like, "Oh my God. Yes, yes, please." And I think it's a little bit different with coaching because there are so many coaches out there right now. And the market seems a little bit flooded. But identifying with, you already know that when other people cold DM you, you don't like it. Why would you try to reciprocate that to other people?


Yeah. Well hearing what you're saying actually is bringing something up for me because I think one of my fears is, I don't want to bother anybody. I don't want to be annoying. You know? So I feel like maybe that's how I interpret someone else when they're Cold DM-ing me. Instead of actually being like, “Oh, that's actually really brave of them to do that.” And like appreciating that part of it. So I feel like, yeah, that was helpful. Cause maybe I'll shift my, my perspective on that a little bit. Yeah.


And sometimes, you know, I feel it's not always the appropriate approach and having multiple approaches in your arsenal is super important at all times. So maybe somebody just like, if there's a flashing neon sign and you're like "This person and I would be so aligned and we would be so great together." And maybe you Cold DM that person, but everybody else, you kind of have this other system. So have you worked with any other coaches in the past?


Well, I did a mentorship with Lenore. Yeah. Like a few months ago. And I felt like it was so funny because, towards the end of our container, it kind of turned into more like business. And then I just hired a business coach that I heard on a podcast. It's interesting because she is kind of a mess. It's like she doesn't have a website up. She's only got 200 followers on Instagram, but I heard her on this podcast episode that a friend of mine sent to me and it just really resonated with me. And so we're like still kind of at the beginning and I'm not totally sure how I feel about it yet because we've only had like three calls. But I'm definitely just trying to absorb as much knowledge and just trying to approach everything as an experiment. Because when I went into that container with her, it was just like, "Wow."


I used to be a hairstylist and then I started offering this thing and I want to turn it into like a bigger thing, but I don't really know like how many weeks I want it to be or exactly what price point I want it to be. So she helped me nail down that I want it to be, six weeks for $1,888. And then she was like, "Okay. So that's what it's going to be. Why don't you do a beta launch for four people at 999?" And I didn't even question it, but as the week progressed after I launched that, I was just kind of like, "If we nailed down what it was, why am I opening with it at like a lower rate?" And then that didn't feel like an alignment for me.


So now that you landed at this $1,888, you felt really good about it, and now all of a sudden you're feeling like really misaligned with the price.


Yeah. And I told her that. Cause me, I mean, I don't know if I would have even felt that unless I experienced that, putting it out there at this lower price point and being like this price is only available until this day. You know, just like didn't really quite feel right. So now I'm just like, I never liked doing discounts when I was doing hair. It just never felt right to me. So why am I doing that now? So I'm not doing that anymore.


Well, good. Good. That's amazing. And it's so important to like, definitely see our coaches as people who are like giving us recommendations, not necessarily like gospel, you know? So, because I went kind of through the same thing with one of my coaches over the summer. You know, I launched this group beta program and it was amazing and I, it was so fulfilling and I loved the group atmosphere. And then, you know, she was like, "All right, let's do it again. Let's launch the next round. Like we're going to do the full thing now. Like, and you're going to do it right now." She's very intense. She's very like, "Why wait? We need to keep the momentum rolling." So I launched like a week after the last one had ended and I felt really draining because I had spent an entire month before that, talking about it every single day and promoting it. And without her, I never would have done the first round, but it also felt, and of course, the second round completely flopped.


In the second round and the full round. And so, and it was all because my energy was out of whack because I wasn't talking about it every day. I didn't have the same excitement about my own product. And just like you said, I felt like this is more serious. This is the real one. This is not the test run anymore. Like I have to know my shit now. You know, it's not about my clients anymore. This is about me hitting that 5k month or whatever it was. So yeah. And I love that you see it as everything has an experience, experiment. I cannot speak.


So Yeah. I love that. We have about eight minutes left. I want to make sure that I'm supporting you in the most beneficial way. So is there anything else that has come up for you?


Yeah, so something that I also struggle with is deciding how many of something I want to sell by a certain date, you know? And I was started with this coach and she's like, "Okay, you're going to sell four of them by December 1st." And that freaks me out so much. It just brings up so much anxiety. So I'm just curious what your perspective is on setting a certain goal on the exact number of things that you want to sell by a certain date. Like how do you approach that?


Yeah. So I love this question and I want to start out by saying that I'm an intuitive as well. So pretty much everything I do is like "This is it, but also like if I feel like it, I'm going to do this other thing too." So like I'll have my launch, is like a month or however long, six weeks or so, and I will say, “Okay, I'm going to accept five people in the next six weeks, and then it's done.” And then somebody comes along an entire week later that's like, "Hey, I missed your launch, but I'm really interested in your program." And I kind of feel it out a little bit and I accept them anyway because I am the owner of my business. Like I get to do whatever the fuck I want.




So, and another common sales tactic is to create scarcity where there isn't. So putting this date or putting this constraint on, like "This price is only available for the next week. Two spots remaining, one spot remaining," you know, all sold out. And so people get this, like I have to buy right now, or else I'm going to miss the boat. I'm never going to be able to afford this again. And then they're buying from their scarcity monster. So for me, I always weigh my timeframes or like my spots for myself. So how much can I take on? And I don't really advertise, like, “Okay, you're running out of time. You're running out of spots." It's more of like, "This is when it's happening. I want you to be there. I hope that you sign up and if not, I'll catch you the next time." So I hope that's answering your question a little bit.


Yeah. That does because yeah, like approaching it from that space of creating scarcity and like needing to do it now that felt out of alignment for me, because it felt really manipulative and because I'm super flexible and intuitive. If somebody were to reach out to me a week after, I would totally be like, "Yeah, that's totally cool." You know? So yeah. I like thinking about it in that way, where it's like, "Yeah, this is when it's happening," just like giving the information and like, "If you want to sign up cool. If not, that's cool too."


And that's where I really think is going to be transformative for you, especially in your sales calls. So if you go about it as like, you know, once you start actually booking your sales calls, instead of seeing them as like, "I'm trying to sell you here, let me convince you that this is what you need." All you need to do is present the material. Present the information and allow them to be the adult in their life. And there's a little bit of like positioning and kind of making them see, "Okay, where are you now? Where do you want to be? And what would it be like two years from now if your life didn't change?" And when they think about it, like, "Oh my gosh, two years from now, if I were still doing the same thing that would suck, like I would hate that."


And then you bring them back into their own autonomy and reminding them that they get to make the decisions in their life. So if they're determined to make this change, it's not going to be two years. You know, they're going to make the change regardless of whether or not they invest in you or whether or not they invest in somebody else. And you just get to remind them that what you have to offer may collapse the timeline a little bit for them. Instead of taking two years, it's going to take one year with your help. So, because what you have is very powerful and changes people. So...




And I also believe that whatever is meant for you is not going to miss you. So if they're meant for the program, it's not like they're not going to get it in some way.


Yeah. Yeah. And I totally believe that too. Like, I really have this feeling that there are people that want what I'm offering and that are going to sign up. It's just like me finding my own way into the alignment for that to happen. So, yeah. Yeah.


Tell me what your process is for like landing on a price or landing on a number of people.


I guess I don't really have a solid one, but I think that there's like a number in my mind that I want to be making. Like my ideal goal, at least right now, is to be making like 20k a month. And so I'll kind of think about like, "Well, how many things would I have to sell in order to get that?" So I could approach it that way, but sometimes I'll also literally just like meditate and let the numbers come to me.


Yeah, I love that. That's how I do it too. Sometimes I'll work backward and be like, "Okay, this time I'm going for that 10k month. Like, this is what I'm doing." And so I'll price it based on that and like, I know I only have this space for five people. So what does that mean? You know, 10k divided by five is $2,000. So I love that you are kind of flexible around it because I also don't really have a system per se. But it's also like, I kind of challenge myself even in the same way of like, "Okay, I can be charging 2k, but how does 2,500 feel? How does 2,700 feel?" And whenever I reached that like edge, that like, "Ehhh that's a little out of my worthiness almost."




Drop it down like a hundred or 200 and sit there and feel into that because I imagine that when you arrived at that price of 1,888, that was a little bit of a stretch for, at first.


It was. But in my mind at first, I wanted it to be 2,222.




But I also was thinking that I would make it like a longer thing. Like it would be eight weeks or 10 weeks. And when I was working with the coach, she was like, "Feel into it for yourself. Like how much would an eight-week course cost? How much would a 10 week, how much would a six week?" And then from that, that's where the numbers came up for each like week container. And then she was like, "So how many weeks do you actually feel like you would need to work with someone, for them to feel the transformation that you want them to feel?" And the number six just really stuck out to me. So, yeah.


That's great. And you may find that you need 12 weeks, you know? At the end of this program, you're like, "This is not enough, I need more." You know, and the next round is going to be a full 12-week program, which would be amazing. Okay. So I really did want to just recap a little bit. So we talked a little bit about how to sell confidently and consciously and truthfully. So do you feel supported around that aspect?


I do. Yeah.


Okay. Amazing. And then do you feel supported around coming up with numbers and really setting realistic goals for yourself?


Mmhhmm. Yeah


Awesome. And then I did want to give your top three money goals to accomplish in the next six months. I wanted to just give some space for those. So you want to get out of debt, have multiple streams of income, and make 20k months. Well, I love all of those. So I would love to talk to you more about your debt. So I don't know, I know we're at 30 minutes now, but I want to keep talking. But anyway, I won't keep you because I know I want to honor your time. But if you're interested in getting a 90-minute session, they're on sale right now for my holiday sale, then we can talk about all the things, if you would like to do that.


Okay. Yeah. I have like, you know, not that much coming in yet and just like spent a lot of money on this business coach, but how much are your 90 minutes sessions?


Right now, they're $333.


Okay. Yeah. I definitely want to do it, just maybe not right this second.


I totally get it. And then normally they're $444. So I'm not going to try to like bring any scarcity into it. Just they're on sale right now. They won't be after December 31st and I hope to see you. 


Absolutely. And then I would love to offer like the same thing for you. If you ever want to do a beauty ritual session with me, I would love to like share that with you.


I would be super interested in that actually. So send me over like all the promo information or whatever, like PDF or whatever you have on it, and I will definitely look into that.


Okay, cool.


Awesome. Thank you so much. It's like one of my favorite things to listen to other coaches, coach on podcasts because I'm always so interested in how they support people and like finding out new tricks and all of that stuff. So I really feel like it's going to be supportive to someone. I appreciate your time Amelia and we'll talk soon. Okay.


Sounds good. Thank you so much, Meaghan.


Bye. Have a good one.


You too.


Okay. So I just got done with my Beauty Ritual Session with Amelia, and she was just so intuitive and in tune when she was channeling with her guides, any messages that needed to come through to me.

So what we talked about was about me tackling my reluctance to go to my high school reunion. So it's been on my mind for, I would say over a year, maybe even close to two years. Am I going to go to my high school reunion? I went to a very small high school, graduated with 25 people, and I have not kept in touch with a single one of them. I feel like my path has taken me a very different way than a lot of the people I grew up with.

We talked a lot about setting boundaries and me being so much in my power that I get to choose what information I share with people because it's their privilege to know me fully. And I get to decide based on how safe I feel in any given situation, who gets to know me at my core, who gets to know the things that I choose to keep private.

A lot of you may know that I have been doing sex work over the last year or so, and I am going to do an episode in the future about what exactly that means and my experience with it. But, even like more vanilla than that, I think my experience with cultivating a relationship with my money and helping others cultivate a relationship with their money, even though I have zero shame around what I do, it is very different and may invite judgment from people that I knew from my hometown.

So we talked a lot about what it means to be autonomous, what it means to be in my body, and grounded. She gave me some excellent tangible practices on ways that I can ground my body into my passions and my authentic self. And be my authentic self to myself so that I don't feel like I need validation or I need to share everything about myself to those who may take advantage of that information. I came to the conclusion that it is okay for me to edit and leave out certain things for my own protection.

You know, emotionally and spiritually, and I just feel really good about it. I feel really good about the practices that she gave me. I'm not going to share everything because it was very personal, but I highly recommend you check out Amelia. And we even spoke about body image and how my current body doesn't quite align with how I see my higher self. So there is some reluctance to go to this reunion when I don't feel fully in my embodied self, my higher self. So I hope you know what I mean when I say that. So there was a lot to unpack. We talked for about an hour, and she was just so kind and accepting, and she held space so beautifully.

So, I really highly recommend you check out Amelia and rate and review this podcast and I will send you a link to get a free coaching session until the end of March.  Alright Sacred Galaxy, I hope you enjoyed this one.


Thank you for listening to the Sacred Wealth Podcast. It would mean so much to me if you would subscribe and leave a five-star review. And if you choose to share this episode on social media and tag me. I would love to pull you an Oracle Card as a thank you. See ya next time, Sacred Galaxy.


Sacred Wealth Podcast Transcription


Sacred Wealth Podcast Transcription