UNHOLY MONEY® is a 6-month coaching program designed exclusively for femme business owners & hot girl CEOs who are ready to turn-on & turn-up their relationship with money.

How does creating a deeply intimate & pleasurable connection with your finances sound? 😏

Throughout this program, you'll receive personalized coaching tailored to your unique financial situation & business goals. We'll meet weekly for one-on-one sessions where we'll dive deep into your money mindset, business strategies, & business financial habits. These sessions are your safe space to explore, question, & transform your relationship with money.

A key component of UNHOLY MONEY® is our monthly erotic money rituals. These aren't your typical financial exercises – they're designed to blend pleasure, spirituality, & financial growth. You'll learn to channel your sexual energy into abundance, making money management an exciting & fulfilling part of your life.

Between our sessions, you'll have 24/7 access to a VIP client portal in Azura. This is your go-to resource for support, additional materials, & a space to celebrate your wins. It's like having a financial confidante in your pocket at all times.

Throughout the program, we'll work on developing CEO-level confidence. You'll learn to make financial decisions with authority, price your services based on value, & receive, hold, & spend money with ease.

We'll address any money blocks or limiting beliefs that have been holding you back, replacing them with empowering mindsets that support your dream business becoming reality.

UNHOLY MONEY® isn't just about making more money (although that's definitely part of it). It's about creating a holistic approach to wealth that aligns with your values & desires. We'll explore how your relationship with money impacts other areas of your life – your relationships, your self-worth, & even your sex life.

By the end of our six months together, you'll have a completely new perspective on money. You'll understand how to use your finances as a tool for pleasure & empowerment. Your business will be structured for greater profitability, & you'll have the skills to continue growing your wealth long after the program ends.

This program is for you if you're craving a deeper connection with your finances, if you're ready to break free from old money patterns, & if you want to infuse your financial life with the same passion & pleasure you bring to other areas of your life.

Remember, spots in UNHOLY MONEY® are limited & exclusive. This is a high-touch, personalized experience, & I only work with a select number of clients at a time.

If you're feeling called to this work, the next step is to schedule a short call with me. This will give us both the opportunity to make sure this program is the perfect fit for you & your business.

Are you ready to transform your relationship with money into something truly extraordinary? Let's talk & see if UNHOLY MONEY® is the key to unlocking your financial desires.

visualize the transformation

visualize the transformation

You’re stuck in a haze, constantly feeling foggy & unclear about your money.

Every time you think about your bank account, you want to run the other way.

Those repeating money patterns? A nightmare you can't wake up from.

You don’t even know where your money goes every month. It’s like you’re stuck in this endless loop of trying to be a good girl with money, only to fall back into old habits.

You're playing it small with your money desires, feeling embarrassed to even admit about those big, hairy goals.

Receiving large amounts of money? Super uncomfortable. & every time money leaves your bank account, you're pissed, watching it go with a sense of dread.

Your connection to money feels shallow, distant, and your role as CEO? Totally unclear.

& then we spend six months together…

You're crystal clear & confident about your cash flow.

You own your bank account, breaking those toxic money cycles like a pro.

Tracking every dollar becomes second nature, no stress, just ease. You’re living that bold, rich girl life with zero guilt.

Manifesting big, lavish money goals? It is already done.

When those big deposits hit your account, you're ecstatic & calmly confident.

Watching money flow out? No biggie, because you know it’s coming back tenfold.

Your connection to money deepens, becoming intimate & powerful.

You step into your CEO role with fierce clarity & power, owning your financial liberation.

This is your transformation.

From foggy & avoidant to clear, confident, & in control.

From small desires to big, unapologetic dreams.

From uncomfortable receiving to ecstatic abundance.

Spots are limited & exclusive so click below to schedule a short call. This way, we can both make sure that this offer is perfect for you!



Hi! Meaghan, here. My truest pleasure in this life is igniting a fire for money & business inside the bellies of all femme & queer business owners.

I am an intersectional feminist, a girl’s girl, a fierce advocate for womxn’s rights, queer rights, & financial equity through an anticapitalist lens. I love to play the Sims 4, read smut, & watch ASMR. I have been in finance for over 12 years, a business owner for half that.

The cornerstone of UNHOLY MONEY® is Pleasure! And pleasure through ritual. Rituals have allowed me to make more money & have a better relationship with money.

Eros, movement, embodiment, dance, & spirituality - that’s what was missing from my relationship with money.

Since I began incorporating & weaving rituals throughout my daily communion with money, the lacking and scarce parts of me are welcomed, integrated, and transmuted.

Money & I are symbiotic. 

This is what I want for you, too. For you & money to be intimate partners in life & biz. Lovers intertwined.

UNHOLY MONEY® is a private coaching container where we meet weekly for 6 months.

Depending on what the session calls for, I may lead you through a pleasure practice/ritual, teach you a process or system, or deep dive into your bookkeeping.

Most sessions will be conducted with our cameras off to allow for full expression & release, unless you’d like to be witnessed.

  • 6 months private money coaching

  • 3 coaching calls per month (1 hour)

  • 1 pleasurable money ritual per month (45 mins)

  • Azura VIP client portal with chat/voice support between calls

  • $2,000/mo.

Spots are limited & exclusive so click below to schedule a short call. This way, we can both make sure that this offer is perfect for you!

“…It means I’ll have a cheerleader for my money mindset for our container together.

It means I’m paying even closer attention to how I think and speak about money, spending, saving, AND pleasure.

This container is an opportunity I’m giving myself to go all in on my own pleasure and joy and trusting the universe and my money to take care of me.

It’s a new life I could be walking into and I’m sooo grateful to have you in my pocket (and my ear) to help ground me in the reality of it all.”

— Savannah

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