Pleasurable Money Podcast Transcription

Episode 27 | For When You Feel Disconnected From Your Sexy Vision


This is the pleasurable money podcast. Hi, I'm Meaghan and I'm the divine alien driving this here spaceship. I'm a pleasurable money coach with over a decade of experience in finance. During that time, I've learned that a mix of systems and spirituality makes a perfect blend. I have helped hundreds of spiritual business owners heal their relationship with money, and I'm here to teach you how to become money's ride or die.

Stop treating money like a booty call using the help of tools like breathwork and pleasure, which will be featured on this podcast and learn from me and other experts about how to own your wealth. Together, we will break down what it looks like to be in relationship with money and to be in full embodiment with your pleasure.


Okay. Before I keep procrastinating this dang podcast, I was going to sit down and record yesterday, but I don't know, I got distracted and started doing other things and then I lost all my energy and was just like, eh, I'll do it tomorrow.

So here we are. It is day five of me being ill, at death's door. And I got to tell you, like coming back from the beach and being super motivated to get started and get going again in my business and like, you know, continue the trends that I had set up when, before I left to go to the beach and then immediately being bedridden for four straight days.

I mean, it's been kind of ridiculous. But as, as a bitch who prioritizes rest, like yo girl has been in the bed. Like in the bed. For the first three days, I mean, for the first day I was like, I got out of bed once to pee. And that was because I really, really, really had to go. Uh, but if I did not have to go, I would not have gotten out of bed. I barely ate anything. It was not COVID. Well, according to the rapid test that I took, it told me that I did not have COVID. I think it was probably the flu of some kind because of, and I, I say that because of the fatigue that I had. Like, I would get, I still get winded, just walking up the stairs and talking too long and eating. Um, walking anywhere in the house really fatigues me.

So what I wanted to talk about today, I wanted to give you an update on me, but also wanted to talk a little bit about what this month's Prosperity Academy is going to be, um, inside of the Drip Money Membership.

Every month we do a members only masterclass style, where I teach around one of the three phases of my signature Sacred Money Method that's available to you at self-pace inside of the Drip Money Membership. And this month, I wanted to talk about being disconnected from the vision, from your vision, from the vision of your life, from the vision of your business.

When you've gone like a couple of weeks, maybe even a month and you look back and you're like, dang, I haven't even like I haven't been inspired. I've just been kind of been on autopilot. Like this feels weird. I feel disconnected from myself and from the entity of my business. It's, it's a crazy thing. And I'm talking about this because it's happened to me, I mean, a million times, but recently here, here over the last month or so. And it takes different forms.

It's like, at one point I can just not be turned on by my business or by, by work activities. Uh, being on social media, doing my own bookkeeping, even having meetings with my team. I'm like, ugh God, this is the worst. Um, and it sucks, you know, it, it sucks to feel that way about your child, your baby, the thing that is an extension of yourself, um, the entity that you have poured your life into.

And for me, it's been the last four years of doing nothing but my business. And it's funny, people ask me, so what do you do for fun? Like recently I've been on Bumble BFF and you know, one of the normal icebreakers is like, so what do you do? Like, what are your hobbies? Like what keeps you entertained during this crazy time period?

And all I can ever think of is saying "work". Like, and it doesn't feel like work to me, but, but things related to my business. Listening to entrepreneurial podcast, reading entrepreneurial books, doing my ceremonies, learning about tarot, learning about, you know, whatever the next thing is. Like talking with my coaches, being in my networking groups, like all, everything I do, every event, even social events are, are geared towards business and business development. And I think it becomes really easy as an entrepreneur to get into like the micro, like into the weeds. Like you're so looking at every individual blade of grass that you can't see the whole yard. Can't see the forest for the trees, which I never understood that. I never understood that phrase for a long time.

I was like, what does that mean, "forest for the trees"? But it just means that you're so in it that you, that you like lose sight of the fact that there's a bigger picture and that yes, it's important to do the micro activities. The, um, the day to day actions that are going to lead you to your end goal. But for me, like, I didn't even ha- I didn't even know, I didn't, I didn't remember the end goal. What was my end goal?

I was batching all of this stuff in Pinterest and I was rebranding my podcast and like doing all this stuff, like just super, super busy for, I would say like two solid weeks. Just doing things in Canva, designing, batching in Pinterest, like going through downloading old TikToks and repurposing. Like those are great for, um, doubling my time, making sure that I am, my efforts are not wasted on a piece of content that I can turn into ten pieces of content.

But what is the purpose? And I think that if we can incorporate the purpose and remember the purpose as often as possible, we're able to manifest the outcome a lot more quickly. And I'll tell you why, it's because if we're connected to the purpose, we have some emotion involved in it in, in the day-to-day, in the daily activities.

So it's like daily activities with no inspiration, with no motivation, with no, and those aren't even the right words. What am I trying to say? Like moving like, like the daily activities are not moving us to be proud of ourselves. They're just checked off the to-do list. You're not going to sleep feeling closer to yourself, not closer to your higher vision, to your higher purpose, to the purpose of your business, to your clients.

When you infuse the purpose, the vision, with the daily activities, there's a whole-body response. There's an emotional response, there's a somatic response when we can remember why we're doing something while we're doing it. And we don't have to hold the vision all the fucking time. Sometimes, sometimes you're posting on Instagram just to get a post on Instagram, to keep the algorithm happy or, whatever.

And that's totally fine. For a long, long time I made myself wrong for posting on social media if I didn't have something moving or profound to say. Long form. Like it had to be a certain number of characters if I was going to post it because it needed to be powerful and punchy and profound. Uh, so for a long time, I didn't post anything.

Because nothing felt good enough. Nothing felt moving enough. And then when I was posting, I was like very egoic. Like, oh yeah, that was, that was good content, you know, like, like nothing wrong with being proud of the content that you create. But it was like, I, I am good because I can say good words. And like my value was based on the comments I got being like, oh my God, I needed that. Wow. This was so inspirational and moving and, and on and on and on.

And I, my ego is fueled by that. But if I had remembered what the purpose is, which is to build a sustainable, long lasting impact in the form of a business, then I would know that my people want me to connect with them regardless of whether or not I have some spun story that is dripping with, you know, nuggets in every corner.

That was a weird analogy, dripping with nuggets. Yeah. I hope what I'm trying to say is coming through. Being disconnected from the vision is hard, and then you come out of it and, you're like, "Where was I?" I was under water for like two weeks or a month or six months. Sometimes it's been months for me, feeling disconnected from the vision, feeling disconnected from my practices, from my own rituals, feeling like I've betrayed them.

Um, which is hard. It's hard.


This episode of the Pleasurable Money Podcast is sponsored by the Drip Money Membership. Drip is a group coaching, pleasure-centered membership, where we infuse ritual into your relationship with money. Inside the membership vault, you will find my signature Sacred Money Method, meditations, Q and A's, moon ceremonies, and so many other tools to help you on your journey.

When you devote your energy to your relationship with money by joining this membership, everything changes. Your connection to self deepens. Your affair with spending and receiving becomes fun. And your alignment with your authenticity becomes downright sensual.

Forge new relationships with other spiritual entrepreneurs, prioritize money and life by joining Drip now.


There are some things that we can do to get back into alignment with the vision. To bring the emotions and the somatic reactions back into our bodies. And the biggest thing for me is to connect to music. Connect to music that makes me feel fucking powerful and sensual and like my hips just want to like writhe and I want to arch my back and spread my chest and open myself up to the juicy goodness of my vision.

Because my vision is fucking awesome. And I'm, I'm literally connecting with my vision right now through recording this podcast. And I actually did not see that coming which is so fucking cool. Um, cause I've been kind of like brainstorming on what I wanted, how I wanted to talk about this being disconnected from the vision for the Prosperity Academy inside of Drip.

And so this will be cool to give to my to my members as one of the ways to get back connected to the vision. So exciting. Oh, this is exciting. Okay. This is like a real time, me connecting with the vision. So while I was describing the music that I listen to and how I want my body, how my body wants to react to the, to the music by arching my back, opening my chest and breathing deeply, I am actually doing that with my body now.

Puffing out my chest, pinching my shoulder blades together in my back, placing my hands above my breasts right on the top of my chest so I can feel the expanse of my chest. I feel like I've been hunched over for years now. So this feels really good.

So, music. That's what I was saying. Music. Um, writing, writing is something we do inside of Drip to connect with our vision. Um, I love to smoke some weed or take an edible, do my micro dose of mushies and go out in nature and get really inspired. Yeah. That always feels really good to me. I'm looking out my window right now and my tree is in full bloom. Oh, it's beautiful. The wind is blowing and it's very quiet in my house right now.

So I'm a little all over the place today. The sick brain is still with me with a vengeance, and I hope this voice is like sexy to you guys. I hope you love it. It always reminds me of Friends when Monica and Phoebe try to get each other sick. Cause they want to have the sick voice.

I wasn't really planning on giving a 1, 2, 3, here's how to get back in touch with the vision today. But what I did want to talk about is what it feels like to get back in touch with the vision and that it's okay to not be in touch with the vision. It is so okay. It is so okay.

Give yourself permission to be in a winter. And if you are able to, if you are able to prioritize rest and doing anything else, other than work, that that would be my biggest recommendation is to do any fucking thing else. Like sometimes I just got a, I mean, this is me speaking as a manifesting generator who get, gets sick of things so quickly and has a million things that I would rather be doing at any one time.

Like literally if I'm watching TV, I'd rather be, you know, a hundred other places doing a hundred other things. Not, not just talking about my business.

But there is a time, there's always a time every year. And sometimes it comes all at once for me, like, like all, all in the same stretch of time, over like two or three months where I feel disconnected and I just like, all I want is some, some inspiration, some motivation. Like all I, I just, I would give my left nut for some fucking inspiration and I'm, I don't get it. It doesn't come because I'm trying to force it. So I just do anything else. I just do whatever else I want or anything else that I want to.

Projects that I've been putting off, it's almost like procrastinating. Productively procrastinating with things that I've been meaning to do and wanting to do so. Yeah. Just give yourself permission to fuck off. To fuck off somewhere else. Do fuck all and allow the inspiration to come back naturally. And some of us don't have that luxury of allowing the inspiration to come back naturally.

So we get to kind of encourage it a little bit. And for those people, I would say music, writing, things that light you up. The seasons of life and business are so beautiful. They are, and they're strange and curious and kind of mysterious, which is super sexy and also frustrating. They're like little minxy teases, those seasons of life.

You're like, you know, and you know, during summer, all you want is winter. And during winter, all you want is summer. And during periods of low inspiration, all you want is inspiration. And when you're super inspired, you get burnt out. And you're like, man, remember when things were like super simple, and I didn't feel like I had to be sitting at my desk for eight hours a day.

It's just, it's human nature and it's, it's cool. Don't get me wrong. It's really, really cool. But God, it can be so frustrating and beautiful and infuriating and like sensual and seductive and all the things. Yeah, I'm just, I'm just naming feelings now, but you get it.

I know you get it. We're on the same page. So inside of Drip, I am going to be giving a little bit more of like a lecture style on this topic about how to go about, uh, using ritual and meditation and, uh, different tools like tarot and breathwork. And all of that to light and stoke your fire again when you've lost the fire.

'cause I really feel and, and we'll be, you know, I'm going to create something for us to do together because I, I I'm, I'm right there with you. If I know, a couple of people in my community are feeling this way, we've talked about it in the DMS about not feeling so fucking good about our business and about what we're doing right now.

Uh, the beginning of Aries season, I was super motivated. I just got this burst of energy. And it was marvelous. It was fantastic. I'd been waiting since January 1st to feel this way. And honestly, like I've always, I've never had a problem feeling motivated on January 1st, but this year, knowing that the zodiacal calendar doesn't start until Aries season in April when the Vernal Equinox rolls over.

Yeah, that inspiration just didn't hit. I mean, I was like trying to force it. I was doing this series on TikTok of like 30 days to me blowing up my business. I did like 10 days and you know, that fizzled out. And then when, when the spring Equinox hit, I was like, oh shit, this is what this is supposed to feel like.

This feels amazing. So, if you're just now feeling connected to the vision, even though you set intentions or, uh, what are they called? Resolutions like four months ago. Oh my gosh guys. It's it's April 22nd. Where has April gone. Oh my God. Anyway, before I keep rambling, I'm just going to say, I love you. This was kind of a catch-up podcast.

I wanted to touch base with you. Let me know if any of this resonates with you by sending me a DM on Instagram. Are you feeling connected to your vision right now? And if not, would you like to get into Drip to learn how we deal with this kind of, um, I don't want to call it a hiccup, but it's like a hiccup.

You know, it's like a bump in the road, the long, long, long, long road of entrepreneurship and of life. Then that link is in my bio on Instagram, well in my bio everywhere. Tik Tok, Instagram, LinkedIn, your girl's on LinkedIn now, Pinterest, all the places. Um, and if you just shoot me a DM, I can send you the direct link.

It is on my website and, oh my gosh, I'm looking at my landing page that my beautiful friend Jade created for me. And man did they do a good job? I mean, it is just gorgeous, and it embodies everything that I want. Oh, with the smoke background and like the drippy lips. Oh my gosh.

If you've seen the branding for Drip with the hot pink, my husband calls them the drip lips. It's just, and there's like a snakeskin background and oh my God. It's so good. Jade did such a good job. If you want their information, send me a DM and I'll send that to you too. And the stars at the bottom. Oh my gosh.

Oh, turns me on just looking at it. Yeah. Just find things that fucking turn you on guys. Even this picture of myself with my lashes and my hand on my neck. And I'm feeling myself and like, God, it feels good. It feels good to be reconnected to my vision in this very moment. And this may be the only time that I connect with my vision all day because I can feel my energy starting to wane.

I have a meeting with my team later on today. Like that's totally okay and I'm, I'm giving myself that permission to connect right now in this moment, while I'm talking to you and then release it and that be okay. Because I haven't felt this way in a long time and I'm not going to, I mean, I could if I wanted to, but I'm not going to put the pressure on myself to dive so deep and like, you know, journal out a million, um, content ideas right now. Cause I'm also still recovering from being sick and I'm working on a million other things and have plans this weekend. If, if we end up going, I don't know if we'll end up going because my husband is sick.

There's just, there's no pressure.

There's no pressure to have it, to be at the deep end of the pool when I actually feel this again. I can ease into it. I can wade into the depths and that be okay. Okay. That's it for today. I'll see you next time. Bye.


You've been listening to the Pleasurable Money podcast. If you want to attract more money into your life, subscribe to Pleasurable Money wherever you listen. And if you learned something today, DM this episode to a friend. Reviews help this podcast reach the rest of the world, so if you leave a five-star review on iTunes, it could be featured in a future episode.

Love you so much. Bye.

Meaghan Wall