Sacred Wealth Podcast Transcription
Episode 10 | Spiritual Money Talk with Julia Hogarth Transcription
You are tuning in to the Sacred Wealth Podcast, I am your host Meaghan and I am so excited to have you here. Throughout my ten years in finance, I have come across so much anxiety and fear surrounding money. It is now my purpose to help women become rich unapologetically.
The goal of this podcast is to empower you to love your debt, to be so ecstatically grateful for what you have, and to feel safe to ask for more. Together we will figure out what your luxury is and get you on the path to financial freedom. Let’s fucking go.
Hi everyone, welcome back to the Sacred Wealth Podcast. This episode is an interview with me and Julia Hogarth. She is one of my eternal supporters, I love her so much and I hope that you enjoy this conversation. It was so juicy, it was so profound, even listening back to this podcast to re-engineer it, I was struck by a lot of the things that we talked about that I had forgotten. ‘Cause this interview is from, I think, about a year ago or maybe like 8 or 9 months ago.
Anyway, at the end, I do mention my old website, my old Instagram @, and my old offerings. So I just wanted to let you know, I am no longer accepting bookkeeping or CFO clients. I am 100% a money coach and so that is the best way to work with me at this moment.
I am hosting a Quantum Money Masterclass and that’s going to be on March 6th at 6 pm Eastern time. And I just- I really hope that you’ll be there. We’re gonna talk about the life cycle of the mindset behind the money. So we’re gonna move through what it means to receive, what it means to have, what it means to be with money, and what it means to give money or step into empowered release.
All of that information will be in the show notes and yeah, I really hope that you’ll join us. Okay, thank you so much, and if you love this episode I’d love to see you share it on social media, tag me, and leave a review and I’d love to get you a free Oracle Card reading. Okay, bye.
Hey, Hey You Schoolers. I am super, super excited to welcome to the podcast today, Meaghan Wall, from Sacred Numbers Finance. Hi.
Hi, how are you today?
Good, how you goin'?
Good. Good. I'm so happy to be here. Thank you for having me.
Yeah. I'm super excited to have you because I've been following you on the Gram for a while and loving everything you're putting out because your work is speaking to the core of my inner work that I've been doing for the past year. So a lot of the things you talk about, I feel like you're an advocate for falling in love with money, which is pretty much exactly what I've been trying to do for the past year. So I'm super excited about this conversation.
Before I get you to introduce yourself, I just want to say that you, for me at the moment, following you has been such a beautiful intersection between the uber practical money stuff and the spiritual, energetic money stuff. And so I'm really excited to talk about that today. So welcome. And my first question Meaghan is, could you please tell us who you are and what you do in the world right now?
Yeah. So my name is Meaghan Wall. I have a company called Sacred Numbers Finance. I've been in finance for about 10 years now, owned my own business for about two. And I have been helping spiritual practitioners, mainly, heal their relationship with money as well as offering financial services like CFO work and like bookkeeping and all of that.
So a lot of the practical, like my degree is in accounting. So I have all of that experience as well as diving into the spiritual, like you said, and kind of like bridging the two between woo-woo and practical.
That's my favorite part of your whole business. And can I say you have the best set of offerings I've ever seen, on your website. It's like money programs and like the finance coaching, but also like intuitive card reading and blessing- blessing your money account. Like that is amazing.
Yeah, bank account blessings are literally one of my favorite things to do. It's so fun. I kind of like go on a journey. I like put on a playlist. I go into like deep meditation and like I'll pull cards. It's like a whole experience. And so when I send out the recap, I bring you along my journey with me and give you all songs and like what this brought up for me and just, Oh my God, it's so much fun. I dance around and uplift your money. Which is so fun.
Oh, I love that so much. And I have a question later about the energetics of money and being a vibrational match for money, which I really want to get into. But before I ask you that question, I kind of want to ask you about the spiritual and energetic stuff and that relationship you have with money.
When did that come into play for you? You said you've got all those really practical accounting background. When did the energetic stuff start coming in, in your journey?
Yeah. I would say my spiritual journey started about five years ago, but I never really connected it to money until maybe two or three months before I even started my own business.
And it kind of like hit me like a ton of bricks of like, "Holy shit, I can apply my money stuff to spiritual stuff. Like what?" And it was just like this epiphany of like, "This is going to be epic. This is going to be a transformation for the world." So I started that like two or three months before I started my own business. And, you know, the rest is history.
Yeah. It's really yummy and juicy. I love that so much. And I remember the first time somebody said to me, But money is just energy too. I was like, "Ohhh."
Yeah, it's so crazy. We don't even- it's like one of these other things. Money is like outside of the realm of spirituality for a lot of us, doesn't count for some reason. And the same for me, I was like, Oh my God, that can be spiritual too. You know, it's crazy.
When I first started learning about that, I was like that exploding brain emoji, like Whoa. And that was when I really started to get manifesting. I feel like I was doing it in like the plain, the shallows kind of way, but the money stuff was a different element.
So I wanna talk about the vibrational match with money that you talk about, because I've been trying to do this I feel like fairly successfully, being that I've only been doing it for a year. But do you want to talk about for people that maybe haven't heard of this concept, what is becoming a vibrational match for money mean? What does that mean to you?
So recently it's really kind of clicked. I've been trying to discover what that means for me for the longest time and finally, it was just like," Oh my God". So me personally, I deal with money every single day. I am literally in the numbers every single day, all day long. So it's very, like I'm inundated with it.
It was always like, "How can I separate myself from my work?" Because I'm- I'm in other people's books, I'm in other people's money a lot, which is great. And I feel like I can create this container for their money or that is loving and I can hold it special for them, but how can I, at the end of the day, like not bring my work home with me or like bring other people's money auras to my money aura, right.
So. It's been something that's like hard for me to get a handle on. And I think it kind of clicked for me just a couple of weeks ago, when I sold the most spots in my program. I was like deep into honestly like exploring kinks around money, like there's this whole like financial domination world.
Which is super fascinating. I don't necessarily think that I'm a like a dominant personality, but I was exploring that and like researching it and it was fascinating. So I think as soon as I was like opening my mind and opening the portals to everything that money can be to me and to other people and not judging any stream of money is- is when it truly opened up for me.
And when I accepted that it's possible to make money selling pictures of your feet online or like, you know, like it's just- you have to be open to all the streams of money and not hold judgment for anything or anyone. And that's when it truly opens up, for me, that's where it opened up for me.
Thank you for saying that because I think the openness is the key and not just to money work, but to the inner work in general. That openness- and this kind of segues into what I want to talk about, which is money conditioning. That openness of like, "Okay, this is my story. But what can it be? And this is what I've always judged myself about money or judged money, or this is the story I've always had about money is that necessarily what I want to keep carrying." Yeah. That openness is really important, right?
Yeah. And that's one of the first weeks of my abundance alchemy program is all about choosing the stories that we want to hang on to and leaving all the rest.
So you get to choose your script, whatever your script is about money, you get to go back and kind of shuffle through like, "Okay, my mom thought this about money. My dad thought this about money. My grandparents thought this." And you get to say, "Okay, maybe I'll keep that one, but this other one doesn't align with me. And I'm going to leave that, say thank you to it. Be grateful for making me who I am right now. And then moving forward and transforming that into something that actually aligns with my true, authentic self."
That is such a potent insight because I think the gratefulness especially is a really freeing part of that process.
I know when I started doing the inner work and I was like, "Holy moly", like, "Look at all these damaging stories that I was given from my parents or whoever it was." And I remember the angst of that moment, particularly around money because I- I came from a family where money was never really talked about.
So I remember the angst of that moment being like, "Oh, that's actually not mine. And I'm going to blame outside of myself now." When actually it's such a beautiful practice to bring that gratitude in, because as you said, it brought you to where you were. It doesn't feel right to you, so that in itself is a teaching, right?
Yeah. Yeah. And to my own personal story, one that I came to recognize even today, even more solidified. You know, my dad kind of used money to buy us gifts, to make up for missing practices and games, and pretty much being absent in my life from zero to 15. And not that we never saw him, but his work was most important to him.
And yet in the same vein, I never had to feel bad about the wealth that we did have because the community that I lived in, we were all equal. And so I never felt ashamed for my dad having a successful business, for my mom having a lot of inheritance and being able to buy a house outright and having nice cars and all of these things.
So there's a balance there of like, yes, this thing sucked on the one hand, but I also recognize that something else that I really am thankful for is that I didn't have to feel shame for the wealth that we had growing up. And not that we were wealthy by any means, but we were definitely upper middle class and that was such a blessing.
Yeah. And I think that conditioning that we get is, yeah, I feel like he can teach us a lot, right? So you have just spoken through that part that wasn't so great with your dad, but also you got taught how to hold that upper-middle-class affluence, right?
So, yeah, there's gold in- in every situation. And I really want to talk about that money conditioning that we get handed because a lot of the clients that I work with, money seems to come up a lot because we talk about the conditioning and the stories a lot. And yeah, money's a big one.
I consider myself more of a life coach, honestly, then than a money coach specifically, just because money touches so much of our lives. It is one of the biggest reasons for divorce and relationships. You know, you have to have it to have a family and you have to have it to go to school and to build your business.
So literally everything that we talk about, it can be tied back to some anxiety or fear or, you know, feeling around money, whether it's positive or negative.
Yeah. And way back, maybe at the start of when I was first working with money, I am super aware, being a meditation teacher and like dropping down into my body every day and being hyper-aware of the sensations in my body.
I was super aware of that icky, stuck, closed feeling that I had in my body when I was opening my bank account and when I was talking to my husband about money. So that was kind of the start of it for me. Like what does it feel like? And I don't want it to feel like that anymore. I want it to feel juicy and fun and like play, which is not a hundred percent how I feel now but definitely I'm definitely on the way there.
Yeah. Oh yeah. I still have moments. I feel like in our healing and in our spiritual journey it can be, a lot of times, two steps forward and one step back. And things come up and you're like," I thought I healed that. Like I thought I fixed that, but I guess not." You know. And like, you know, especially deep trauma, like it just loops and loops and loops and you got to just cry it out, dude. Like you got to be angry about it.
And, you know, I'm not telling anyone to like not feel the feels about your money stories. Like that's one of the biggest things that I teach my clients is non-avoidance. We face the money shit head-on and I encourage you, not you specifically but the universal you, to sit with it. You know, sit in the shit and wade through the muck. Cause we're all doing it together.
Yeah. And that's how we know what we're dealing with, right? Like the first step is actually knowing what it feels like and what those old stories are, so that we can then, as you were saying earlier, choose again and choose your script now. It's an incredibly empowering process, even though it can be very painful.
Oh yeah. I cried today, literally during a meditation, and just bringing up the old trauma. And I have a relatively privileged childhood when it comes to like my money stories. So if I'm dealing with the muck, then I can only imagine how a lot of other people on this earth deal with the muck.
Totally. And that's one of my questions actually.
There's- I used to buy into that money's evil story. What do you see most in clients in terms of their money conditioning or is it super buried? Is there things that come up?
I would say it's very varied, but there are a couple of themes, I think. Well, where I'm from in the Southeast US, it's uh- you know, the Bible belt, very religious area of the world. So money is the root of all evil came up all the time in my childhood.
So. I- I understand that. I live in New York now, so I'm- I feel like I'm a little bit removed from that, but it's still a conditioning that I have. And then another one, working specifically with spiritual practitioners, it's so common that people feel like if you're doing light work, you have to live a certain lifestyle.
You can't be charging certain rates. You can't be living extravagantly. You can't want to have the BMW or the Audi. You can't want to have designer things because you are a meditation teacher or a Reiki healer or all of these things. And I think people like Sahara Rose, unlike other spiritual practitioners out there, who are breaking the old paradigms of like, yes, you get to twerk and want luxurious things while also being hella spiritual and hella aligned. And like all of these things, like we're all breaking down old paradigms.
Yeah. Totally. I love that you said that because that's the kind of thing that I'm also breaking down at the same time as I work on my money stories and the respect I have with money, I'm also like, "Okay, I can ask for more."
Yeah. That's a really big piece for me. Actually, I have made all these moves to make my life super aligned and I know that I give value to clients. But yes, it felt sticky at first to be increasing my prices. And-
Yeah. And one of the things that I'll drive home just again, is that you get to choose what's true for you and what's not.
So if you're okay living the zero-waste lifestyle, the, you know, the studio apartment, the capsule wardrobe, you may have five pieces of clothing and you're very modest in your lifestyle. Then own the shit out of that. But if you are in it to be a millionaire. If you want all of the fancy things. If you love fashion and all of these things, like- like own it.
That's all I have to say about that is own it. And you get to, you get to choose.
Yeah. I actually have been wondering lately, what is the balance between feeling enough and having enough and being allowed to ask for more? And I think it's actually the place that it comes from. So the worthiness stuff is a big thing for me. And I think a lot of the time when I was splashing cash that I didn't have, or just spending every week on things that I didn't necessarily need, it was coming from a place of unworthiness.
If I buy these clothes, I'll feel cooler. I'll be- I'll be more of a person that people will want to get to know. Oh, I've never said that out loud before. Um, but now it comes from a place, just like you were talking about, where I was like, "You know what? This piece of clothing gives me actual joy. And I'm going to dress in linen and the stuff that I want to dress in because that makes me feel even more myself."
Right. And like ego has such a lot to do with our money because we are so beaten down about our money. And money is supposed to mean something about you, like the dollars and cents in your bank account is supposedly like reflecting of who you are and what type of person that you are and your status in the world, which I just reject wholeheartedly. Again, it's an old paradigm. We're not doing it anymore.
So, yeah, absolutely. And it's something that's like, external validation is a huge one, a huge story that I see all the time of like, you know, "My parents, we didn't really have money, but we spent a lot of money on our house and like these things to make it look like we had a lot of money. But we never- they were never happy about that. They were always stressed." And there are all of these shadows, all of this ego around money that we're just trying to break down.
Yeah, I identify with that story of what it looks like on the outside because, my husband and I, we've been heavily working on kind of setting up our life that we can play in and have spaciousness in, it's right now the stage that we're in is like kind of the humble house.
I don't know if you can see it behind me, but we're living within our means right now, whilst we're kind of cocooning in the money stuff and like choosing the script and working on my worthiness so I can ask for more money because I'm worth that.
Is your husband spiritual?
Um, he's been on this podcast.
So. There's an episode- episode two actually is a beautiful conversation with my husband. He's an incredibly open person. I don't think he would self-identify as spiritual, but I've got him to go see Reiki practitioners and psychics. And he's really open to that conversation about the energetics of money. He's just an incredibly open person which has made this process really easy.
Yeah. Yeah. My partner's the same way. He's very open. He encourages me in everything I do, thinks it's really cool. But like he's a scientist. He works in genetics. So like he's like, "Yo, that's great, babe. Like, do you." Exactly. So it's a whole nother thing to be navigating working on your family's money story when, I wouldn't say like, "Only one of you is doing the work", but when one of you is much more like woo-woo than the other. Like just a lot more.
Actually. Yeah. I see that a lot with clients and not just about money stuff but one, say my client, is doing all this work on herself and really getting deep into those traumas and trying to heal and the husband or the partner, whoever they are, just not on board.
So I feel incredibly lucky. And I think, yeah, it's- it's tricky. I'm going to ask you a slightly personal question now, but it's still-
I'm such an open book. I'm such an open book.
Yes. So. we've talked about like the themes that you've seen with money conditioning in your clients. What other new stories in terms of your old stories and background, what are the new stories that you're trying to bring in for yourself?
What are the new money statements? I actually saw one on your Instagram, which was like, people love to pay me. And I was like, "Yes. I'm going to do it." Yeah.
Yeah. Oh, well, I can't take credit for it. Definitely. I learned that from Amanda Francis, but yeah, that's a huge one.
And that's another thing that I'll say about having a partner who's not necessarily as spiritual as you, they're putting their own money stories on you as well. And I think that it's unconscious, you know, they're not doing it on purpose. They're not trying to be rude or anything. It's just, you know, you're brought up differently. So, okay. So my own personal money stories.
Yes. I'm working on people love to pay me. Um, I am a millionaire. It's something that is one of my business goals to be a million-dollar business.
Um, money loves me and I love money. Uh- has been a big one recently, especially in preparation for abundance alchemy. Trying to, you know, love and date my money and like really like be in like romance with my money.
That's been a big one for me. So yeah.
I love that so much because same. That romance with money, like I feel like when I started the work, it was like a romance with myself. And now I'm like, "I want to romance money because I've been treating that gal badly."
Right. Yeah. Cause I mean, everybody loves money, right?
Like nobody hates making money. But there's so much shadow that we have to wade through to get to the part of, "Okay, what are we gonna do about bringing in the money?" And like, "What do we actually think about money?" Especially like, "How do we speak about money?"
Because money doesn't want to be friends with us. If we talk shit about it all the time.
Like who wants to be friends with somebody, who's gonna talk about you behind your back. Like, I wouldn't, you know?
Actually, I have been working on the respect part of that relationship with money, which- which plays into exactly what you just said. You know, paying bills when they first show up and not just shoving them away. Like, you know, showing up for those monthly reconciliation dates that I have with my banking systems or accountants. Like in a delicious, kind of, excited way instead of it feeling heavy and something that I'm avoiding.
Absolutely. Yeah, because, you know, once we start respecting our money- and it comes out in like little things that we say of like, "I'm terrible with money, like I never have enough money in my bank account." You know, and making like little jokes, little snide jokes under your breath of- about money. You have to like really be aware of what you're saying.
Like, "Oh, I'm just a starving artist." Or, "I guess I'll just go move to the Himalayas and live like a monk." You know, like these things that are half-joking, but like serious. Right.
Yeah. And you know, the things that we say- I've learned this from my fertility journey. Like we speak things into existence. We've gotta be really careful and intentional with the things you say particularly about money, I think.
Yeah, because we speak what we think and what we think is who we are. So if you say, "Oh my God, I'm just terrible with money," then you are terrible with money, right?
So, I have a story that I'm too dumb. That I'm not smart enough to figure it out.
Which has been running pretty deep, but I'm choosing again. I just want to pick up that phrase that you just said, who you are.
And I want to read a little excerpt from an Instagram post that I just loved of yours.
This is a Meaghan direct quote. I want to talk about this 'cause this idea like inflamed me. I just love it. It is, "If you want anything in life, that means you don't already have the thing. And that means you have to do something you haven't done in order to get it. And in order to become someone we've never been before, we must do things that we've never done."
Fricken delicious.
Did I say that?
Sometimes I just like word vomit and I just like, I don't even remember what I say.
Accidently a prophet?.
Yeah, exactly. Like 100%. Oh my God. I love it.
It's so good. And off the back of that quote, I want to talk about your new program, Abundance Alchemy, which will, by the time this podcast comes out, you won't be able to hop on it.
But I think the program actually speaks a lot to the heart of what your business is. So I just want to give you the opportunity to talk about what it looks like and in case you're running it again.
Absolutely. I'll be running it again. I promise. And so like, I'll talk a little bit about the program. Week one, we're going to be talking about money stories, childhood trauma around money. Really like getting raw and vulnerable and also talking a lot about worthiness.
There's so much that I want to jam into four weeks, which I'm just not going to be able to. And I'm so gutted about not being able to teach everything that I want to teach. But anyway, so week one, we're going to be talking a lot about the looping stories like we've been talking about this whole time.
And then I have a really, I would say, controversial view on debt. And the energetics around debt. So week two is going to be all about debt, energetics, and reprogramming what it means to be in debt. And week three, we're going to be talking about rituals and practices and really dating your money and all of these things.
And then week four, I'm going to be teaching the exact processes that I use in my business with all of my clients and in my personal life to set up your bank accounts to work for you. And to assign every dollar a purpose. And to know exactly how much to save, exactly how much to spend and exactly how much you have for fun money and like travel money, whenever we can travel again.
Whenever we can, yeah.
Yeah. Exactly.
So it's just going to be such a holistic program. It's not just going to be like digging up all of your trauma and then leaving you with nothing. It's going to be a full circle of facing your money blocks head-on and setting up a system at the end. Because regardless of how many budgets you have, how good your bookkeeping system is, how amazing your bookkeeper is, and like doing all these things, you're never going to stick to anything if you hate your money, right?
Like if you hate it, If you hate everything about your relationship with it, you're never going to stick to anything. So it's a whole program. So I'll talk about the next round.
Yes, please.
Next round is gonna be, I want to say it's probably gonna be eight weeks this time. I originally wanted it to be six. But then I was like, you know, people can't even really think six weeks in the future right now. So I shortened it down to four, really stripped it down to the bare bones, but eight weeks it's going to be a mixture of one-on-one and group coaching. So every other week you're going to have a one-on-one with me to really work through.
I'm just like- my whole face is like, yes. Yes, Meaghan.
Yeah. So it's going to be the same kind of material, but there's going to be a lot more of like the immersion, the support to make sure that you are working through everything that you don't necessarily get on a group call. Because especially with 10 people in this four-week course, I can't spend quality coaching time with each and every single one of them on an hour and a half call.
Yeah. Yeah. I really love the opportunity for one-on-one stuff. I think that-
I'm so pumped about it. And I'm gonna be collaborating with a whole bunch of my friends, practitioners in this space. Getting meditations and journaling rituals and movement practices. So like the VIP options gonna have all this great customized content for the actual program itself, from my friends and people that I've met in the space. So it's going to be like- there will be no words.
Amazing. I'm so glad you just said movement. I really think that that's such a core part. I think we just forget that we have a body that like stores things. And so that's a really important part of rewriting, you know, brain patterns. Absolutely.
Right, because it's not all just journaling and meditation and all of that. Sometimes you gotta like kick something and like punch something, like move your body. Do some like angry twerking, you know?
Oh my god, why haven't I been doing that?
I know. It's crazy.
So good. You've just reminded me. I do want to ask you this question that I watched an amazing live that you did about debt.
Can you just briefly talk about the reframe of debt that you teach and what that looks like? Because debt is something that's quite heavy for a lot of people, right?
Yeah. Yeah, it is.
So I have- I have a woo-woo reframe and I have a practical reframe.
Yes, This is what I love about you.
Because I know not everybody is down for the woo-woo and a lot of people want the woo-woo. So I'll start with the practical. Most likely if you have qualified for a loan or a credit line or a credit card of some kind, you're in a situation, a circumstance in your life that qualifies you to be able to pay that back.
So not only does the bank know that they're going to get that money from you- and there's a lot that comes up around like them just wanting your money and all of this stuff. And that's a whole nother looping story and honestly, for me as well, of like the government and corporations and all of this stuff, but yeah.
So if you have qualified for that loan, then somebody else has the faith in you that you're going to be able to pay it back. So if nobody else has the faith in you, then the banks, I think that's a pretty good way to look at it. Because especially here in the States, after the economic crash of 2008, the housing market crash, banks don't play around anymore. They're not just lending to anybody, you know?
Yeah. So there's a background, they check your credit, all of these things. And if you qualify, then you are blessed to be in a circumstance that you should be able to pay that money back. And there's a lot of privilege that goes into that as well. Maybe you're white. Maybe you're a white man. There's so many social-
Factors that come into play.
Factors. Yes, exactly. Factors that come into play. So that's the practical, the bank would not lend to you if they didn't feel like you couldn't pay it back. So, and then the woo-woo, this is the- my favorite.
Me too.
So the woo-woo is, like we were talking about before, a portal. Debt is just another way for abundance to flow into your life. If you choose to pay something off over time, that just means that you've chosen to pay it off over time and that you have access to the universal tap of wealth. And that wealth is pouring to you, just like beer, just like wine, if that's your thing.
And you're able to drink of it as you please. And especially if you are in that social circumstance, like we were talking about in the practical, you have pretty much an unlimited tap on that universal abundance. And it's something that obviously like be smart and be intelligent about your decisions and make sure that you're using your debt. You're using it, not for egoic purposes that you're using it to further your own self- your own higher self.
Like your alignment.
Exactly. Yeah, education and extending your business and investing in love. Yeah, that's one of my favorite things, the tap on the universal abundance.
I love it. I feel so- the universal like flow of abundance at tap, that just makes me feel really good.
Yeah. And like we were talking about before, not judging any stream of money and being open to it all.
I- yeah, that's a big one. When I quit my corporate job to start my current business that I have now, I remember I quit my job and I got what I call like bridging job so that I could have abundance coming in while I was building, you know, the space where I really wanted to work.
And then my husband got this big job, he's an electrician. He got this big job that was like heaps and heaps of money and at the same time. And I remember having a conversation with my coach where I was like, the feminist in me is like, "I don't want to be supported by my husband right now. I'm really uncomfortable."
And she was like, "Um, are you judging where that money's coming from? Because it seems like the universe has just showed up to support you in two different ways. And you're judging where that universal tap is coming from." And I was like, "Ohhh."
Yeah, yeah, I- God the feminist agenda around the support. I feel that because, and especially after I- I didn't quit my corporate job, I got fired from my corporate job. So, yeah. And honestly, it was like at the perfect time because I had just started my business and I was like, "When should I quit? Should I wait until I have five clients or seven clients?" And the universe was just like, "You know what, no, you don't have to make this decision. We're just going to like kick you out."
So it was great and fantastic, but I had almost zero money coming in, like $200 a month. I had one client at the time, which thank God she's been my client ever since. Literally, my first ever and she's still my client.
Oh, that is amazing.
She's Epic. But yeah, it is a big punch to my ego. Yeah, thank you for bringing that up. I really identify with that.
I actually love that story, that you were fired because, um, my husband, same thing happened. He got made redundant, which we didn't see coming because you know, I'm biased but he's such a great operator and just, yeah, we were so floored by it.
And I remember thinking back on it like a year later and being like, "Oh, thank God that happened because we are actually welcoming in so much more abundance right now." Like in terms of financial support, where we're so much more supported and, you know, he's in his own business now. So yeah.
That's one of the things that we talk about in my own coaching is bridge jobs and taking a job for a specific purpose.
Like you say, you know, you're trying to pay off your debt and so you take a job, in order to complete that specific purpose and you know it's got a time limit on it. And- but you just decide to kick ass at it and you're gonna be the best Starbucks barista you've ever been in your life.
And that's for a specific purpose. And you know that once you get that done or on the side, while you're getting it done, you're working on your business, you're working on your passion.
I think that's an example of like choosing the script and the story, right? I can drag my feet every day to this job and like, you know, be a sad sack about it. Or I can be like, "I am so grateful that I have this opportunity to like pump up my savings or whatever the goal is." Right?
Yeah. And a lot of things might loop around having a menial job. At that specifically, like if you're coming from the corporate world and you're going to work at a cafe, or even like a Subway, you know, like a Subway restaurant, like Subway sandwiches.
There's this like, "Oh, I'm so much better than that." Sort of like, you feel like you've been knocked down a few pegs and you're working these like, you know, lower jobs, quote-unquote. And it's just, that's another great learning experience to be like, "Okay, here comes my ego again."
Like look it straight in the face and be like, no.
Yeah. Yeah. It's like a humble healer, I guess, a job like that. And there is beauty in a job like that. Right? You don't have to think too hard.
Right. Yeah, absolutely.
It gives you space. Thank you so much. I could talk for days and days and days to you about this.
I love talking to you.
I have a couple of questions that I ask everyone and then we're going to talk about how people can work with you or find you.
So this stuff doesn't have to be about money, but do you have a book or even more than one that has changed your life?
One of my favorite books is, "You're a Badass at Making Money". It just happens to be about money. Yeah. Okay. Oh my gosh. So many thoughts at one time. Um, yeah. So, "Tapping into Wealth" is another one.
And I have so many great money books, but I also am like, I really love the Twilight book series. So like in high school I read them like five times over and I just read the first book last month again. And it just like brought me back to my inner child and I was so for it. I don't care what anybody says about those books. It was like, so nostalgic for me.
Yes. Exactly, exactly. So, and I don't know where any of the other books are, like my own copies of the books. So I only have the first Twilight book and I'm just like dying to read the others. But of course, like I know exactly where my favorite parts are and I get to like skip through and like read the ones-
It's like me and Harry Potter. I completely relate.
Yeah. So I don't necessarily think it has changed my life, but it's one that I go back to over and over and over again.
Yeah. Such thing as a comfort read, right? I comfort read Harry Potter. It's like visiting the characters, my true nerd coming up, but it's like- it's like visiting the characters. It's so comfortable.
Yeah, absolutely.
It's like watching the office for the 20th time.
Oh my God. Yes.
Personal practice that you swear by?
It's got to do with money, just because my life is so about money right now. But, um, literally logging into my bank account every single morning. Like,
I check my balances every single day and it's not necessarily like checking them obsessively or like trying to have control over them, we talked about control in the beginning. But it's more of a- I teach head-on money, non-avoidance. So it's something that I'm trying to practice as well because I find that when I'm actually practicing what I preach-
Yes, of course
-my business does so much better. So I log into my bank accounts every single day and just sit in gratitude. Thank the bills that I've already paid. I thank the money that's sitting there, keeping my account warm, all of it.
Oh, I actually love that so much. One of the things that I've been working on with my husband is we do a money map every month, at the start of the month, to map out where our expenses are for the month. And so we know what we've got to play with and anyway, at the end of the month, you then go through and categorize things that the computer system hasn't caught.
And my husband's like, "You need to do that." He was just default doing it. I guess old patterns die hard. And he was like, "You need to get your hands dirty." And so it's- that is so fun for me now every month, but like doing it every day. Ooh, that feels yummy.
Um, my last question is, is there someone, it doesn't have to be on social media, but a recommendation of someone for my listeners to follow that just really inspires you. So like an expander of yours.
God, there's so many. One of my really good friends, Nina Marinaro, she's a conscious attorney and her handle is @ninathelawyer. Uh, she is just like literally killing the game. She's always got new content coming out. She's a huge expander for me, just in like the creativity realm of like she's always coming up with new ideas and like having these brainstorms and it's all quality, quality content.
So yeah. Really cool. Especially if you're in New York or in the States, it's all great information. Okay. So a big one who, like I mentioned before Amanda Francis. She is a self-made millionaire. She's got the house in Malibu. She's got, you know, the cars, the G wagons. So she's someone who's really expanded my mindset.
And honestly, she triggered me a lot at the beginning when I first started following her and I had to like separate myself for a while. And like, I had to come back later and be like, "Okay, I'm ready for this." She is one of my biggest teachers when it comes to money mindset. And she's the first person that I was like, "I want to have that mindset."
So I literally follow everything she does. I absorb everything she says so that I can have that mindset because that is something that I'm choosing to like rewrite in my own life. So, she's the millionaire story that I'm trying to like bring into my life.
I love that so much because I've been having lots of conversations lately about people that trigger me.
And so some of my friends who are just like killing it and then I see them and I'm like, Oh. But it's such an opportunity. I need to realize that we can create, like especially with social media, we're so powerful in creating what we see and curating what we see. So, yeah, that hide function really, really, really useful, but also that opportunity of like, "Okay, why am I getting triggered by this?"
But to dig a little deeper, right? Pull back the onion layers here. What is it? One of the triggers that I had recently was like during ISO, when I'm home with my toddler all day, every day. Cause he's not going to daycare. I can't work on my business the way I want to. So I'm getting triggered because I didn't get to play in my zone of genius.
Thanks for mentioning that.
Yeah. I recently got really triggered. I reached out to someone who had kind of rejected me like six or seven months ago. And it wasn't like a rejection, really. She was just kind of like, you know, "I'll be in touch." And then she hired a different bookkeeper and I was just like, so just like betrayed.
And I don't know this woman, like, we barely talked more than like three or four times on Instagram. And like, so anyway, it was just like the silliest thing. And so I just like messaged her yesterday and was like, "Hey, how are you doing?" And she hasn't gotten back. She's got like 80,000 followers. So I understand. But like, it triggered me to like open back up that line of communication. So it was just like-
The triggers are so gold, aren't they? They're just, yeah. It's really- I have a love, hate relationship there with the trigger, but yeah. Opportunity-
It's a test.
Yeah. Opportunity to do that and, and, and heal like you just said.
Thank you so much, Meaghan, you beautiful human. Yeah. Can you tell us where to find you and how you're working with clients right now?
Yeah, I am super active on Instagram. My @ is sacred numbers finance. My website is sacred numbers Like I said, I'm always accepting new finance clients. I do CFO and bookkeeping work for anyone really, but I specialize in spiritual practitioners, or even if you're spiritual in yourself. Like I have a social media manager, her business isn't spiritual but she's like super woo woo, like herself. So we get along really well. And then I also do one-on-one coaching. I'll be doing Abundance Alchemy for the month of May, but I have one-on-one coaching programs as soon as that program is over.
Awesome. Thank you so much for talking to us today. That was such a juicy conversation.
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