helping hot girl CEOs increase revenue, take home more, & get intimate with money


helping hot girl CEOs increase revenue, take home more, & get intimate with money 🍒


I'm here for the hot girl CEOs & spicy, spiritual entrepreneurs who are ready to get wet...for their money.

I'm your go-to financial dominatrix, but instead of draining your wallet, I'm here to make it overflow.

We're talking about creating a relationship with money that's as hot & satisfying as your best orgasm.

What I bring to the table:

🍑 Nearly 15 years of hardcore finance & accounting experience

🍑 The inside scoop on building a spicy, spiritual business (yeah, I've done it myself)

🍑 A deep understanding of the spicy work industry (I've been there, done that, & know how to keep you compliant)

Here's what we'll do together:

🍒 Redefine your money relationship: We're turning those money blues into money moans. You'll start seeing your bank account as your hottest lover.

🍒 Build that CEO confidence: You're the boss, babe. We'll make sure you feel it in your bones (& your bank account).

🍒 Get intimate with your finances: No more financial quickies. We're talking long, deep sessions with your money that leave you satisfied & wanting more.

🍒 Personalized pleasure rituals: Because managing money should feel as good as your favorite self-care routine.

🍒 Strategic implementation: We're not just talking dirty to your money, we're making it work hard for you.

🍒 Celebrate every win: Big or small, we're popping champagne for all your financial victories.

My approach is all about making money management feel as hot as you are.

No boring spreadsheets here - we're turning financial success into your hottest fantasy.

Ready to make your money as turned on as you are? Let's fucking go.


  • Erotic money coaching integrates financial guidance with elements of pleasure, intimacy, and personal empowerment.

    Unlike the usual boring financial coaching, which focuses solely on budgeting, saving, and investing, erotic money coaching explores the emotional, body-based, and sensual aspects of your relationship with money.

    We dive into how you feel about money and make managing it a fun, satisfying experience.

  • Combining eroticism and money coaching benefits you by creating a deep, emotional connection with your finances, making money management enjoyable and fulfilling.

    Eros is our essential life force energy and creative power. It is the energy of aliveness, pleasure, and desire. It's what motivates us to create, to connect, to experience joy and fulfillment.

    This approach helps you overcome shame and guilt, builds CEO-level confidence, and empowers you to take control of your financial destiny.

    It’s personalized to your unique needs, enhances communication for couples, and promotes holistic financial growth.

    Ultimately, it transforms your financial life into something intimate, pleasurable, and empowering, ensuring that managing your money feels supportive.

  • Nope, it's not just for folks in the sex industry. If you're a spicy, spiritual entrepreneur or a hot girl CEO looking to spice up your relationship with money, erotic money coaching is for you.

    The principles of pleasure, empowerment, and financial liberation are universal and can be applied to various business models and personal financial situations.

  • Confidentiality is paramount in my coaching practice. All sessions are conducted in a secure, private environment, and any information shared is kept strictly confidential.

    I do record our sessions so that YOU can revisit them if you feel called, but if you'd rather not have them recorded, just say the word.

    You can share openly, knowing it stays between us.

  • I've got nearly 15 years of experience in finance and accounting, plus I've built my own spicy and spiritual business from the ground up. That includes over 5 years in the spicy work world, as well.

    I know the ins and outs of both the financial world and the unique challenges of running a spicy business.

    My expertise is rooted in both professional knowledge and lived experience, allowing me to offer practical financial advice and deep emotional support tailored to your unique needs

  • One of my past clients said, "I feel like I've gotten so much more than money coaching with you!"

    We'll cover a lot of ground, including:

    • Building a pleasurable and intimate relationship with money

    • Breaking down money blocks and limiting beliefs

    • Strategic financial planning and budgeting

    • Personalized pleasure rituals for financial growth

    • Boosting your confidence in financial decisions

    • Celebrating your financial wins

  • At this time, I am focused solely on giving my private clients the ultimate VIP experience.

    This means that my coaching offers are all one to one right now.

    This may change in the future, though, so be sure to sign up for my email list and follow me on Instagram to always be kept in the loop!

  • Most of my programs have payment plans available because it is one of my values to make financial wellness accessible. All of the investment levels are clearly stated under each offering, and if you can't find that information, please reach out to me.

    If you would like a custom payment plan, I am always open to creating those, so don't be afraid to ask for that!

  • Success is measured by both your financial outcomes and personal growth.

    We’ll look at things like increased income, better money management skills, and how much more pleasure and empowerment you feel around your finances.

    Regular check-ins help us track your progress and celebrate your wins.

  • The biggest practice I use is getting out of the head and into the body. A focus on somatics through movement, breath, and the five senses is integral to regulating the nervous system when dealing with money.

    Another way I support you is by helping you create rituals around money that feel supportive. You have little rituals in the rest of your life, why not with money?

    Other than that, we incorporate any beliefs or practices that you already hold dear.

  • I approach shame and guilt around money with deep compassion, creating a safe space for you to explore these vulnerable topics.

    We start by acknowledging that shame thrives in silence and secrecy. By bringing these feelings into the open, we begin to loosen their grip.

    Rather than trying to banish shame, we practice sitting with the discomfort and extending self-compassion.

    I will guide you through somatic exercises to notice where you feel shame in their body. By connecting to these sensations without judgment, we create space between the person and the shame.

  • While the focus is on individual coaching, couples can definitely benefit too. If you and your partner want to transform your financial relationship together, we can tailor the sessions to meet both of your needs and goals.


feeling foggy & unclear about your money ➺ crystal clear & confident about your cash flow

avoidant of your bank account & repeating money patterns ➺ owning your bank account & breaking toxic money cycles

unaware of where your money goes every month ➺ tracking every dollar with ease

in a cycle of "re-committing" over & over again to being a good girl with money ➺ living the bold, rich girl life with zero guilt

playing small with your money desires ➺ manifesting big, lavish money goals with no hesitation

feeling shameful or embarrassed of having big hairy money desires ➺ flaunting your big money dreams with pride

feeling uncomfortable receiving large amounts of money ➺ ecstatic & welcoming when those big deposits hit your account

pissed having to watch money leave your bank account in any amount ➺ chill & unbothered watching your money flow out because you know it’s coming back tenfold

feeling a shallow, distant connection to money ➺ deep, intimate connection with your money

unclear in your CEO role ➺ stepping into your CEO role with fierce clarity & power